Well here we go....lots of pics so beware....tomorrow is supposed to be our coldest day yet of the fall....and like everything in my life I'm doing tooo much and behind on things....but they do get done!! LOL! So I thought I would make a swing back into summer time....oh that feeling of the hot sun and pool water....AHHHHH! Yeah now that's summer time.....we celebrated Dusty's Fourth Birthday with a yet another pool party!! Perfect time to have one. July 28!!! This year I made cupcakes for his party....to make an easy grab on the go...and that's what seemed to work very well.
I made over 70 cupcakes and each one decorated.

Here are the cookies I made for the party......I bought the cookie cutter from Baker's Bling Shop at Etsy. I love how they turned out...not to mention all the creative fun I had making them! Score!
This was a collage I made on an app on my IPhone....which 95% of my pics on this post are from my phone. I'm addicted to the IPhone photography!!! Just some close ups of the cupcakes.
Setting up the table before the party actually started.....the buckets I found at Dollar General...the perfect colors! I ordered all the party decorations from Online....Ebay, Party City, where ever I could find party attire fitting the shark theme...I even ordered from Amazon.
More pics of the decorations.....it was so fun finding all the shark theme stuff.
Here is a MOCK scuba tank...I asked my husband did have any tanks...well he did...I painted this with spray paint and added tubing from Lowe's in the plumbing dept. and added the Dollar General Scuba snorkel. Added stickers from one of the prize packages.
Here is the plastic ware that I had Cody and Bruce make.....YES delegate! Always! I had seen this on Pinterest......taking the Life Saver mints and wrapping with the napkin...looks like a life saving ring....clever! Found the buckets at Target.
I even made cake balls, or cake pops whatever you want to call them... Just another creative moment! Not to mention so tasty!!! YUM! I found the cakepop holder in Tennessee Wal-Mart.
Here are cookies wrapped so that everyone could take them home and enjoy. Again the bowl came from Dollar General. I bought the bags at Wine and Cake Hobbies in Norfolk, Va. That is amazing place to buy any cake supplies not to mention beer and wine making supplies!!! We love that place....you can spend hours there it is huge! Always a treat!
Here is a sign I printed from the packages I bought from Abigail Barnes at her Esty Store.... Paper and Cake. Let me tell you....she took the whole theme and just made it WOW!!! I didn't have to think and/or be creative (although I live for that) this made it amazingly EASY!!!! I was preparing for Crystal's baby shower and even went back to her store to purchase another party package...!!! She has me hooked! Wink! Thanks ABIGAIL you are an amazing party planner! Check out the shark printables HERE and the party planner guide HERE. She has so many awesome parties. Again I can't thank her enough!!!
Again more printables from Abigail's kit and I printed and cut all of them out, I used paint sticks from Lowe's (shhhhhhh) well trust me my husband buys enough paint for the houses there I think it will be ok??? LOL! Thanks Lowe's!
Here is the punch I made, it was Hawaiian Punch Blue and ginger ale!! Yeah everyone loved it! The shark fin ice ring was a mold I bought from Wilton. I even boiled the water first let it cool, then poured into the mold and froze it. Here is what we got! Turned out nice. There is nothing floating in the punch, its a light reflecting from one of the can lights in the outdoor kitchen.
My cousin brought the suntan lotion, you know we needed that!!! Thanks Billie Jean and Josh!
I had a bucket full of Dollar General goggles....fun for everyone!
Here are Gatorade bottles and waters we had not to mention the big huge ice bucket I purchased from Target. The printables and ideas again from Abigail's Party Pack.
Here I cut the vinyl cut-outs using the Silhouette Cameo love it!!!
Here is the scuba diver from Silhouette. Thanks Silhouette for bringing us yet amazing cuts with a wonderful machine! Even when you suggest designs......they come thru every time! I am sooooo thankful to have such a wonderful amazing machine!!!!!
More pics of the cupcakes, I found the four candle at Wal-Mart. Just love how the cupcakes turned out. To get the water effect I placed two sides of the blue frosting in the bag and white in the middle. I make my own frosting and use all Wilton colors. This color is royal blue.
Here is his presents....Tara and Billie Jean managed to find Shark wrapping paper at Target!!! I loved it!! So did Dusty!
Here is the shark banner......I added cut-outs from the Silhouette and Ranger stickles. A rope I bought at Lowe's.
More pics of the shark cupcakes.
These were the party gift bags Colten put together and packed for the party. They turned out perfect.
The sewn dots that was from Abigail's printables....I sewed them and used Bazzill papers.
I bought a lot of the balloons from Ebay and the party stores. Bruce blew all of them up that morning using a helium tank that we have had for many years we bought from a welding supply store and have the nozzle to fill with. Helium is very expensive now they said kind of shortage? The balloons were a blast!
Here are some more of the cut-outs from Abigail's Esty store.....see above. I hand cut them all! The sign Beware of pickpockets.....is from AC Moore that my husband got for our outdoor kitchen, its say by order of New Orleans Police Dept. Gotta love it!
Shark party decorations.
The signs from the printables.
The Shark Pinata.
Shark tooth necklaces that were in the party goodie bags.
I hand dyed all of the nets that I found at Dollar Tree using the Procion MX Dyes.
More shark goodies for the party bags.
Here are some more of the decorations and that hand dyed netting using the Procion MX Dyes you can purchase from Jerry's Artarama love shopping at Jerry's!
Here are the drink cups I bought from Discountmugs.com using the vinyl and Slice machine and the Silhouette the straw printables are from Abigail's.
Dusty happy for Tara's present.
Dusty enjoying the balloons.
A view of the kitchen before the party started.
Cooper enjoying the sucker's part of the party packs......gotta love it!
Here is the shark that Crystal got for Dusty for his birthday. It is remote controlled and came from Amazon! The boys had a blast with it, it has helium in it.
Rebekah, my cousins daughter. She is soooo sweet! Love this pic of her....Coop looks like he got some water in his eyes.
Mike the husband of one of my dear friends Nancy, and Colby enjoy the pool on this hot day!!
Colten's ready to dive into the all the shark invested waters.
Dusty's guiding some of the sharks back to their own waters. LOL!
Boys and some "chicken" Cody, Colten and Colby!!! Looks like Colby's safe from the sharks.
The song "Party Rockin" playing!!! Colby is in tune with the beat!
Poor Cody!!!
What a unicorn in the shark infested water's????? How funny of Dusty with one of the shark party hats on in the water. Too cute!
Boys always ready for some pool fencing?? Swords flying! I bought all these pool noodles and Dollar General.
Here Cooper is riding a dolphin going into those shark infested water's.......LOOK OUT COOP!!!!
We had pizzas we cooked in our wood fired pizza oven....I always make the dough and this time I had the "men" roll out the dough it was soooooo good for me!!! I laughed and laughed!!! Since me and/or the girls always have done it....it was hilarious!!! Of course Gene had done it before but Bruce and Josh IDK????? Let's just say what happened in the kitchen stayed in the kitchen!!!FUN!!
These pics were all taken with the IPhone motion is an issue at times.....but you can see Gene working away! Rolling pins rolling, and flour just a flying!!
WOW!! Bruce go! You can start your pizza career now......I hear you can drink all the margaritas you want as long as you can keep those pizzas a coming!!!! I laughed and laughed I tell you!!!!!
Go BOYS!!! I love it!! Cuz looks like a pro....look at him go....PERFECT!!! Bruce don't quit that day job please! Gene you rocked it buddy!
Wendy the dog of Gene and Lola came with them...she made herself at home on my kitchen floor while the dough was a rolling! Too cute!!
Oh I'm so tired!!!! All this fun is making me tired and fussy!!! Coop was wearing down fast! Here is one of those wood fired pizzas we make.....the boys always pick cheese and pineapple....except Colby he doesn't like the pineapple on his pizza.
Here is my bestest bud Nancy!! I love her!!! She is fun and such a wonderful person, not to mention I love teaching her new art techniques!!! She had so much fun that day!!!
This is what Budweiser and pizza gets ya....THE BEST PIZZA EVERRRRRRRR!!!!! Enjoy it Mike!!! LOL!!! You rock! (Nancy's husband)
Look at Mike's pizza talk about YUM!!!!
Here Billie Jean, Gene, and Nancy are making their pizzas....looks like Gene is showing the ladies some pizza making skills......GO GENE!!!
Look at that adorable octopus card from Rebekah, Josh, and Billie Jean!! Coop is so happy it moves, Dusty and Colby listen to the little music it makes. An adorable card!
The most excellent helicopter from Nancy and Mike. He is still playing with it, love toys that last!!!
Look mom the most amazing Nerf Gun from cuz!! Yep always a fun thing for the summer time and of course I love picking up all the Nerf bullets! LOL!
See in the back we had a fan...to keep cool on this 100 degree day! Dusty enjoyed opening up his presents.
Tara bought Dusty the Captain America mask.....Dusty loves Captain America.
Look at that adorable grin!!! Yeah this boy is one HAPPY little guy!
Love this pic of him and that adorable card from cuz!
This one too!!! Yes!!!! Dusty says "SCORE"!!!!!
Tara, we love her....she is a friend of my daughter Alexis who has been friends with her since freshman year of collage! Such a blessing to have a friend like Tara!!!
Dusty "blow" I can just here it now!!! Too cute!
GO COOP GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!! Drink drink drink! Coop enjoy's a Coke!
Time for the Pinata!!!! Cody help direct the swings.........Swing Dusty!!!
Who needs a mask!??!!
Everyone enjoyed the candy....including Mike!! He loves Dots!
Pool attire for the party! Colby you wear it well, buddy!
Here Dusty shows off another gift....Spider Man......that will always remain Colby's favorite....he still even has all his spider man blankets. Love this pic too! Here I'm using my Nikon D7000 with external flash to avoid harsh shadows on the sunny day!
Beautiful Rebekah!!!
We even had Karaoke!! Sing Colby Sing!!!!
YES!!! A future rock star!!! He's got it going on!!! Rock on Colby!
Happy Birthday Dusty I love you!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to look at how I put on a Shark Party!!! It was a BLAST!!!! Creatively and enjoyable!!!!
Also wanted to share that I have another POST on an UNDER THE SEA PARTY HERE
Also wanted to share that I have another POST on an UNDER THE SEA PARTY HERE
woow......that is what I call a PARTY :) just wonderful......
and do not miss the.....
it is FUN :)
HĆ„kan ( The Roseman)
Amazing job! Your son is adorable. Glad it was good weather for the pool! I love the shark fin ice cubes - very cool! I see these party ideas going all over Pinterest ;)
Hi Dawn, I just HAD to drop in and tell you how AWESOME this party looked! lol Incredibly creative is what you are! Nice job! hugs, jane
I cannot believe how much detail you put into that party! What a good Mommy you are! Every last detail looked fantastic! Cute pics of the kids, as well! Well done!
wonderfully creative. where did you find that beautiful pinata?
where did you find that beautiful pinata? thanks for sharing beautiful ideas.
Jerserybird I bought the PiƱata from Amazon, I checked this year and they did not have the same one, so sorry to report. It appears the other places I also shopped at are also not selling that one, I shopped at http://www.birthdayinabox.com/
I used these sights to get the different things I was looking for. I may have only bought balloons at one of the sights, hth.
Thanks for asking, Dawn Gallop
Which sharks did you use on the cupcakes? Are they the Safari Toob ones or a different set?
I enjoyed seeing your ideas. My soon-to-be 4 year old GIRL wants a "Finding Nemo Shark party" this year so I'm out gathering ideas. You can see my crafting craziness on my blog: inourpond.blogspot.com.
Great party!! Love the fins in the bowl idea! Can you tell me which mold you used for that? Thanks!
Hi Dawn,
I really want to make this ice ring punch for my kiddos party. Can I get more details from you? Specifically for the ice. Its too cute! Thanks!
Hi Dawn,
I really want to make this ice ring punch for my kiddos party. Can I get more details from you? Specifically for the ice. Its too cute! Thanks!
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