Saturday, March 14, 2015

Career Day for the Creative Girl

An array of my creative side to show the children at career day that they can sale their art work and work as an artist from their own homes.  My table was set up to show the items I sell on Etsy and arts and craft shows, and local farmers markets. 

I took the articles to show the children all the art pieces I have been published in. As my work has been published in Somerset Memories, Somerset Studios, and Cloth Paper Scissors along with other digital magazines. 

The table was full of ideas that the children could use for their own creative adventures. This year I was quite popular as in the past years only a few came to the table. Which made me happy! I also think with this past year working as a club leader for art has helped. Before I would come periodically while this year it has been once a month. 

Here the children are looking at the troopers table. See Cooper in the stripped shirt. 

As in the past I have been beside the Chick-fil-a table which is very popular among the children as well as the adults. We all LOVE Chick-fil-a!!! I even got a coupon for the new frosted lemonade which I can't wait to try! Sounds yummy! 

The cow even held up one of my cuffs. 

The girls even enjoyed trying on the handmade jewelry. Telling me stories about their moms, grandmas who make jewelry. I so enjoy hearing what they have to say. 

The pic was of poor quality but I was quick for I was rushed to get my car loaded, all the boys ready and myself to be at school by a little after 8. I was so thankful my friend Megan helped me unload the car which is big deal! I had a lot! More is more! Lol! 

I also had to deliver eggs that morning. My hens lay some big beautiful eggs. 

The day before. My girls are so happy!! My oldest son even said I want my chickens to run to me when I come out like yours do. I just love them and I have raised all of them since little bitties and they just know I love them, well it could be because I spoil them too! Shhhhh! 

Just some of the pics during the snow. I love the chicken bell that Alexis brought me at Christmas time. Its vintage too! 
Samantha and I have been tilling up the gardens for spring already on the nice days when it's not to wet. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Cyber hugs, 
Dawn Gallop  

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