Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Say It With Letters BLOOM and A Dyeing Fabric Tutorial

Bloom wooden cut-out letters from Say It With Letters
Deb sells some awesome cut-outs that are perfect for any decor
Check out the blog too!!!
Remember to LIKE Say it with Letters on Facebook too!

The supplies needed to get started.
Bloom wooden cut-outs
Procion MX Dyes
Fabric Scissors
Dusk Mask
disposable gloves
Muslin Fabric
Soda Ash
Ziploc quart size baggies (Freezer ones)
plastic spoons
plastic cups
and measuring spoons to be used only for dyeing
bucket or container to be used only for dyeing

Cut muslin with fabric scissors, then start striping making 1 1/2 "- 2"  rips
It took about 5    44" strips to each letter  I also saved a few squares for each color for any embellies
Using the newspaper and the measuring spoon just for dyeing mix cold water with I used 1/8 of teaspoon of dye mixed in the small plastic cups mixing with plastic spoons
be sure to keep the dye color with the dye bottle
sometimes the color doesn't look like the color and it can get confusing
Mix the soda ash as directed on package stirring well
Pour some of the soda ash into the Ziploc baggie and then pour on the dye
I used almost all of what you see in the cups
I was able to dye two tye dye t-shirts
with the left overs
with they came out so nice and vibrant
Now move the liquid around the fabric
keep the bag closed for 8 hours
I just left till over night
Here is all the five bags completed
Once the eight hours over I hung to dry out on the clothes line but if you hang in your studio
remember to cover the floor because it may drip
It will dye carpet or other things but does clean up well with bleach
Start wrapping the letters I would hot glue at the beginning of each strip or just overlap
Here is a close up the finished "B" I also took small strips to make some of the lollipop flowers in three sizes
Love the colors they just turned out so vibrant and fun!!

Here is a picture of the unfinished "BLOOM"
Go check them out in Deb's Etsy Store

Hello everyone,

     I have had this ready to post since last week but have been unable to get to it, busy busy times...well you already knew that......I know everyone is busy......spring is coming and so much going on this time of year. I have found that Spring and Fall are always the busiest at least for us.  I had recently took a wonderful dyeing fabric class with Janet Lasher an AMAZING artist!!!! I took the class as an online class at Joggles.com I do alot of my online shopping there.....some awesome goodies!  The class was much more in depth but this was my first real attempt.....I have tye-dyed a ton of stuff my whole life....I'm guessing who hasn't right???!! We would just buy the Jacquard Tye Dye kits from ACMoore which are the same dyes, this kits works so much better than others...they look professional when they are done. Just make sure you use 100% cotton or natural fabrics....linen, silk. I had a blast doing this and have even bought some buckets so I can dye larger amounts.  I hope this quick tutorial has made it easy for you dye some fabric to wrap around these adorable letters. Amanda my dd said she thought these letters would look great in a little girls room. Thanks for stopping by...and remember go see Deb.....  http://www.etsy.com/people/damboisedesigns?ref=ls_profile
  I think I need to do this to one of those adorable peace signs she has.....how cute would that be???!!! Have a wonderful day!! I will be sharing this at Passionately Artistic  soooo go and check it out and spread the love!!! Cyber hugs, Dawn Gallop
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