Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Mind's Eye Challenge ~Go Green~

Good Morning!! I had made this lo for the awesome challenge at MME click HERE! This month the Challenge is to use the song lyrics from U2 "Every Generation gets a chance to change the world." So well said!! Well I thought about it and I was thinking about what are we teaching our children so that they will change the world. It all starts in beginning, children learn love, respect, and healthy habits. We as a family having been practicing the GO GREEN!!!! So I put together this lo about how they are practicing go green so they will get the chance to change the world.
The clock represents now is the time, the butterfly for change, the reuse symbol to protect our environment. Little brother, Big brother on how they work together. The pics are of Cooper and Dusty. The bottom right is Cooper putting the kitchen scraps in the compost, the bottom left is Cooper carrying in the groceries using the recyclable bags, which I love they hold so much and easy to carry. Top right is Cooper and Dusty pulling the wagon carrying the milk jugs to the recycle bin. Top left is Dusty wearing his cloth diapers.
Products Used:
  • 100% My Minds Eye clock 29th Street Market, Peaceful Dream#291170
  • Butterfly Penny Lane Free Bird Love #PL1057
  • Abbey Road pp STOMP Big Attitude
  • Penny Lane Maggie May ##1018
  • Breaking Free Sun Kissed Only Smiles overlay BF#1777
  • Big/Little Brother MME 29th Street market
  • Trees AR#1066 Round and Round
  • Penny Lane Tiny Dancer Piroutte overlay
  • AR Round and Round pp AR#1067
  • AR STOMP Rock On pp AR#1088
  • AR Rock on small accessories
  • Basic Grey floss brown and Hillary
  • Quickutz Die Reuse
  • Sanding, ATG, Cats Eye inks, computer generated overlay
You may click on pics to view closer. TFL!!
Have a Wonderful Day!! Dawn

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1st Day of Kindergarten for Colby ~Rusty Pickle~

Hello everyone we are now adding extra post to the Rusty Pickle Blog on or around the first and fifteenth of the month, each Chef will take a different month and share with you some inspiring ideas. I had the Sept. 15 inspiration for the blog, but with the Blog hop we are sharing today. So keep checking in on the Rusty Pickle Blog to see all the new eye candy, and there is still time until Sept. 25 to get on the challenge of the check it out....(HERE).

I used 100% Pickle other than the ink, paint, and glue. I was seriously thinking school for this I did a lo of Colby for his first day of Kindergarten. I used a collage pic, starting with the Red pp from Snowflakes and Mittens RP 748 Mistletoe, Chipboard frame painted black, using the collection School Daze Teachers Pet RP726, Homework RP 729, Stickers ST64, Pop Quiz RP730, School Daze Cardstock coupons CT07, Tag, file folder, September Rub ons RB33 , Chipboard chunk alphas, I added paint for distressing, some ink, and chipboard behind the stars for pop. ..THANKS!!! Dawn

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Morning......Now the WINNER IS..........

Hello everyone....WOW!! There were a 104 entries into the Blog Candy drawing and I wrote all the names down and put them in the hat and Cooper picked out...............


So Sherry you can contact me

I want to thank everyone who stopped by and for all the lovely comments it was so much fun I think I will do it again.....real soon!!!! Hugs, Dawn
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