Thursday, August 18, 2011

Say It With Letters Mermaid

Say It With Letters mermaid that is just perfect for my bedroom. I decorated her with hand spun hand dyed merino yarn, by Tamara Lovelace and wool that I hand dyed the green circles.  The felt ball was cut in half. Hand painted and decorated with a tiny mirror and shells that I have had since forever.......along with the starfish. Used Liquitex paints.

The hand dyed wool felt was dyed in water with Ranger Adirondack Bottle Green ink.
The purple was bought like that.

I think the mermaid came out so pretty.

Close up of the mermaid and the mirror.

You can purchase one of these of your very own at Say It With Letters Etsy store. Deb has a wonderful selection of cut-outs perfect for all your artsy needs.
Also check the blog out for loads of inspiration.

Hello everyone I hope you are having a super sweet week. I have been busy with the boys getting them ready to return to school next week. All the shoes and clothes bought just a few more basic supplies. Whew! That was a job! LOL! Also getting myself geared up for ARTBLISS Workshops  which I can hardly wait, I have signed up for the charm swap again too which I have never even showed you guys all the fabulous charms I have made in the past.....I know it is almost impossible it seems to even post things.....I am always creating something but to get it on the Internet can be another thing. I have also been working on the boys costumes and sewing some other goodies.....well better go finish up with the dinner dishes. Hugs to all, Dawn

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Say It With Letters Margarita Glass "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off"

Say It With Letters Martini Glass with a Margarita Style
I just love it! I made it for my outdoor kitchen
(which where it is, is protected)
Bruce Jr. painted the tiki bar last week with a Magaritaville flair...which made this just fit right in!
The fabric was machine embroidered on my ancient embroidery machine, I bought it brand new in 1995 and paid $5,000 and yes it still works!!!! Gotta love it! A Janome Memory Craft 9000, I have asked for a new one that is computer friendly and Bruce just won't budge!

The theme came from the famous song by Joe Nichols Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off, which everyone who knows me
I am not a country music fan, I know.....but my children are so I am so exposed to it, and my husband laughs at me when I sing the songs.

The wooden cutout is perfect for all your poison!
The ribbon is unknown but the flowers came from WalMart. I used fabri-tac Adhesive
The boa came from Michaels.

The lime is made from wool felt which I hand sewed the lime wedges on, I think it was such a great added touch.

Hello again!! I hope you have been having a wonderful summer. I taught this week at my house and had such a great time, but managed to get this cute little glass I think I really need one. I have been trying to get more projects done now since my garden season is coming to an end. I have so enjoyed this summer, I really hate to see it end, but on the other hand I do like the regular routine of the fall. Well better go...have a wonderful week! Dawn Gallop
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