Hello again and welcome another exciting post to present on the 48 Weeks Journal Workshop by Donna Downey. Go check it out. I have been having a ball with this and for all the work I have to do it always such a wonderful feeling of completion. So satisfying. I won't be writing much this week...however after my grandsons arrived....time and energy slipped away like a black snake that just eat all the eggs. I have not made the post like I had been as I just plain couldn't. This one was actually completed before they got here and I didn't even get the pics until just a few days ago. 

I really really like how it was completed the whole process and at first I was not very sure of it...then I got into the zone in finally just flowed.
The grandsons hadn't long had a brief time in the sprinkler pool at the time I took the pics. Note more textures.
the quote was perfect for the painting
If you would like to see the rest of the weeks go here
we went to the North Carolina Aquarium with my daughters best friend from collage Tara who has known Dusty since he was born, Cooper was not even two when he was born. Tara has been a great family friend and the boys love when she can come. She is a school teacher and after 8 years of teaching 3rd grade they moved her to 5th grade for this coming year.
The boys certainly were intrigued with the aquarium
My two Colby and Dusty being silly at the aquarium wearing the little boys hats
Ledger loves loves loves the ocean
Duck DonutsShark Week at Duck Donuts
The maple bacon donuts at Duck Donuts OMG AMAZING
Have a great rest of the week and stay creative.
Dawn Gallop
Saturday we will be at the Smithfield Farmers Market from 9-12