Friday, February 22, 2019

Happenings Today and Grassfield High School Spring Craft Show Tomorrow

THIS IS this Saturday 02/23/2019 from 9-4pm in Chesapeake Virginia there are like 140 vendors from food, crafts, arts and so many great things.....I can't wait to see my buddies as I missed them ....this will be our first show of the year.  My son Colten even sent a message to me this morning as we sit in RAIN in the Gator taking care of animals and I tell you I am always cold.....Colten says "Do you think we will have a market tomorrow?" YES COLTEN ITS INSIDE lol hahahahahaha YEP the show must go on!! 
Yeah so hopefully you can make it! 
As I type this Bruce is finishing up boxing soaps, I've printed labels etc etc..... made so many things....hoping for a GREAT YEAR! 
Soooo this is Colby packing the soap we have poured over 2000 YES I REPEAT 2000 so do I need to RPEAT that yes 2000 bars of soap just since January we were practically sold out nothing hardly left at all. So it was like starting from scratch....Colby and Bruce and Dusty pretty much got all the bars packaged in put in the boxes and labeled. I of course printed all the labels....I buy the blank labels from which is an EXCELLENT place to get your labels from. They have a blank label for everything. So I do think we are ready..........HOPEFULLY! 

Wanted to share this adorable little hat that my dear friend Cheryl sent me over she lives a few counties over....I love it! I am a hat person,.....once again Im always cold lol so I flock to anything warm.....

I have some of my onions coming up.....YAY! 

Wanted to share our new rainwater catchment containers for my plants and garden Bruce did all this and in less than three rains we have filled up TWO of these....I will need to make a video on this 

You can see this is the first one FULL 

Coming back from the boy goat field one evening I saw this and thought oh yeah this place is AWESOME 
For some other updates I have been making videos and I am quite enjoying them however I am NO videographer  so just bear with me.......

This is the video on the seedlings and the seed mix we used 

This is the video on the dehydrating some herbs 

The day our meat chickens arrived as you know we try to grow and farm our own foods

This video is the video on the seed mats and the lights we used for our seedlings 

The video on the handmade gloves and hat by Brenda

So I have shared enough for today....but please if you can watch some of the videos let me know....THANKS 

Sunday I was soooooo HAPPY to get to go to our art group fo a visit it was wonderful seeing everyone and sitting and sharing and creating and eating..... 

Bruce came back to pick me up and we went to REI to get a few things bought two hats for the summer and I got new socks....we used our gift card we had and we only spent $7 bucks and Bruce said WOW this the cheapest we ever.....left REI spending definitely I was a good day!! So wonderful to see everyone and enjoy the good vibes and the inspiration it renews the soul!! Thanks everyone .......

Now to get back to work....we are making Kombucha  today again which is fine as we do love this stuff.....good thing to do in the rain....
Have a wonderful weekend and stay dry! 
Cyber hugs to all......
Dawn Gallop

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