Here is what Barbara made with one of her amazing finds from her exquisite travels afar. Well Done Barbara!!! I love it!! Of course I loved everybody works of art!!
My car was packed and ready the night before and I was in Va. Beach by 9 am Saturday Morning...Surprise Catherine and Eric! A little way to early...but the extra time made it easy for set up.I set up over here and on another table and even in the always a migrated kinda gal!
I set up the torches out in the garage and of course we opened the garage door during our firings.
Just a little collage of the set up and ready to teach!
Here is where we did the hammering. Note that cute pink stubby hammer from Sears!The adorable handmade bags made by Verni! Love 'em Verni!!
She hand stamped them and used decorative scissors to cut the tops of the bags and denim around our instructions....just lovely!
Another close up of the bag!!
I brought along some of my jewelry pieces to share.
One of Verni's beautiful works of art! The bullet etched talisman.
Here are the notebooks I made with the help of my husband for the class.
Our Beautiful sweet and CUTE Carol Edwards making some of her works of art!
Sanding the bullet casings with nail files.
A lovely antique box of bullet casing for the etching class.
Our adorable sweet and funny Verni at work explaining to us how to cover and decorate the bullet casing to put into the Ferric Chloride bath.
A stamping of music sheets on the bullet casing...lovely job!
Pam prepares to drop her bullet casing into the ferric chloride.
As we waited for the etching to "cook" really just etch away some of the metal on the bullet casing we started my class with the wire wrapped ocean charms.
Here Susan is hard at work.
Michelle is making choices for her lovely creation to be......
Terry wraps her glass pendant.
Darlene and her lovely shell wrapping.
Pam decides on which beads to use.
Theresa made such an adorable wire wrapped piece......just look at her concentration.
Linda's pendant is just beautiful on her!!
Susan's works of art...just gorgeous pendants!
Carol's works of art!! I adore it Carol!!
Theresa's adorable pendant!!! Love the bird!!
Michelle's stole my heart with a of course the sweet seahorse.
Darlene's class began on Sunday. Polymer clay.
Here she is showing us how to make a polymer clay skinner blend technique.
I placed a YouTube video at the bottom in case you are would like to see the skinner blend technique.
Again running the clay thru the automatic clay machine. They have this model at or go HERE for the Atlas Pasta Machine.
Okay ready to roll.
Here Denise has two canes.
Susan use the Atlas pasta machine, Denise was so nice to let us use her wonderful pasta machine...made it so much easier!! Thanks Denise.
A great book go HERE to purchase. Theresa shared this book with us...a great book if you thinking about polymer.
Denise brought in books to share with us go HERE to purchase.
Another great book Go HERE to purchase.
Denise showed us that you can cover Altoid cans with polymer clay.
A lovely faux ivory doll, made by our talented Denise!! I love this!!!
Some of her works and creations to display and share, Can you say AMAZING!!!
I adore all her bugs she makes...simply adorable!!!
Too flippin cute!! Adorable bugs made by Denise.
More pics on the making of a polymer cane.
GORGEOUS work!!!!
More Polymer canes.
Just awesome polymer works of art in the making!!
GO Denise!!!
What an amazing talented sweet bunch of ladies we have in our group!!! Just listening absorbing all artful information!
Scrumptious food enjoyed by all. This amazingly tasteful dessert made by about YUMMY!!!!
Homemade muffins by Theresa. So delicious!
Home grilled chicken by Eric and Catherine. Talk about yummy!!!!!
Fresh fruits!!! Just an awesome smorgasbord of food!
Here I am teaching the class the wire wrappings.
Catherine finished up our weekend with her beyond amazing talents.
We made our works of art from the teachings and symbols of the book by Angeles Arrien go HERE to purchase. The book Signs of Life.
Here Catherine our lovely host shows how to glue down our symbols.
We allowed the art work to "cook" in the sun so it could dry.
Pam and Denise continue to work on theirs.
Pam was being very creative!
Here I am working on my little piece of art. I sent this pic taken by Catherine to the hubs and boys while I was missing them!
Darlene's gorgeous piece!!! Love it!!!
This one is mine...note the NINE!!!! I always add nines to my work...whether you know it or not!!!
We always share our works of art , what we are working on now or in the making or just finished!! Here Ellen shared this stunning little bag she made with her bunny made from a handmade mold. Talk about AMAZING!!!
Catherine shared some of her shrines.....awww just breathtaking!!!
More shares of jewelry charms.
This was some of the cherry red head pins I made prior to class.
The YOUTUBE video on making the skinner blend technique.
I hope you enjoyed looking at the pics of our wonderful art camp weekend. The time shared together is just so refreshing and inspiring, and the camaraderie of friendship and art work shared is just simply amazing!! Thanks to all our TAG members! Thanks to Catherine and Eric for sharing their home and hospitality.