Friday, March 1, 2019

This is what's been happening on the Farm

We have new kids on the farm.......which is always exciting and fun! These are two girl Anne Marie and Lisa Marie plus we got a Andy. Both does and kids are doing awesome. 
Its been busy week and tomorrow as I type this up we have a SHOW at Larkspur Middle School in Virginia Beach from 9-1. Not a long day but when you get up at 4 am to get this ready laded and dressed and chores done....somehow it is VERY LONG>....Tonight we made pepperoni rolls which the boys absolutely loved and ate too much as thy said. I had yellow squash an onions. Doing the usual chores and making sugar scrubs and taking care of all my seedlings.....I made a dreamcatcher today....I will share that once its a sunny day....its been cloudy and cold today did manage to go on the walk.

Beautiful.  #love 
I love it!!! 

So much fun and adorable.......

Hello sister.....

Oh my I just love this time of year....I can't ever seemed to ever tire of growing stuff.....this year I have huge head-start which I am so thankful for.....
Little Andy

This is one of our roosters Jorge 

I have made these tags for the Art Retreat this weekend I can't really go but going to stop by and see the girls tomorrow after the show I am excited about this and let the boys go swimming in the pool at the hotel that they are at. 
Here is the video on how I made these...
All the supplies on on the info of the video 

One of Bruces' and the boys breakfast look at how wonderful those farm eggs look.....we love our eggs. 

Another day.....

Saying goodbye until next time.....hoping for a great weekend for everyone....and remember eat healthy, go for nature walks and enjoy life to the fullest. Next week I will share the dreamcatcher and some of the good times at the retreat this weekend. 
I'm posting this other video of the moving day on the chickens last Sunday....this week we are hoping to get the chicken tractors built as I don't have a dental appointment which is the first week since January 11 of this year that I don't have to go...yay! Looking forward to the day I am amalgam free......
Bruce has ran me a bath so gotta go.......
Cyber hugs, 
oh yeah the vid....

chicken moving day

Seedling update using the growing lights 

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