Friday, April 3, 2020

Week 20 in the Donna Downey 48 Weeks Journaling Workshop ~Stay Safe~

Hello and welcome as we all are facing so many uncertainties in these unusual times, my heart goes out to everyone as I know each and everyone of you, your lives have been disrupted or completely turned upside down. I want you to know I am SOOO VERY THANKFUL for our health care workers, our teachers, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, sanitation workers, grocery store workers, truck drivers, our chefs, cooks, tasks force, FEMA, our fearless governors, and so many more that I failed to list.....THANK YOU!!!! 


I thought when things were changing so radically and there would be so much more time to reflect on things that matter most.....however I didn't think of all the anxiety that would come from all of this....being an empath I feel others pain. I put myself in their position and think about what they must be going through at this moment in time and before you know it I am overwhelmed with anxiety, fear, and somewhat panic. I have been staying busier than I thought possible, one our orders have picked up since we are unable to attend the farmers markets and the shows. We sell out of eggs quick, several have came to pick up their honey and other goodies. I have been selling more and more of my Etsy Store stuff.....SO GLAD!!! Here is the link 

Helping the boys with their school work has added on extra work for all moms...and dads...and grandparents so I understand that. I can't thank the school teachers enough for getting all the work to us and having to learn new ways to instruct children.

I have been making more videos too for my YouTube Channel which has been fun sharing some of my knowledge. 

Here is one of my videos I did this week I made forsythia jelly it made five jars and I sold all four jars  this week alone. One jar Bruce had to have as he always says this is "my favorite" honestly they are all his "favorite" my eyes roll!!! He even said he was going to plant a 100 more.....
Anyway back to the painting....this was week 20 of the 48 Weeks Journaling Workshop if you want to find out more about this workshop go HERE Donna had said in the video that "inspiration was from Karen Margulis her Hollyhocks" you can check Karen out HERE you will absolutely love her work. 
Also if you like to see the rest of the weeks I have painted go below

This week was a challenge at first as sometimes I get in my mind I just can't paint flowers as you may know I like to paint people or faces. So at times when I start painting flowers it seems I get in this slump like It just isn't looking right and then I keep at it and finally I get it....AHHH which in this week I certainly enjoyed the process and am so glad I got to paint in the my journal. SO VERY GLAD I GOT TO PAINT!!!!! 

The texture the brightness the whole meaning of the it!


The whole journal is getting so thick 

The other side of the journal

The full layout as you can see how large the journal is

I made buttermilk with fresh raw cow milk

I made buttermilk pancakes with chocolate chips one of the boys favorites now if I had added bananas too that would be their all time favorite. I also made butter from the raw cows milk

I dehydrated celery so I could add to my soups since I haven't been able to get my celery on a regular basis 

Dusty working on school work while on the Covid-19 schooling at home program 
(note the sauerkraut in the back) 

This beautiful flower in bloom that my dear friend Aylene gave me last year has come back with many blooms this year such wonderful gift!!! 

The tomatoes I planted are doing amazing you can see how all my plants are doing 

We finally had our corned beef 

I have been making bread like everyday....of course the boys love it 

As you can see we have been staying busy and working hard. I also have been trying to keep up with the news to keep us informed.  

E Hugs
Dawn Gallop

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