Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Garden of 2024 🌿πŸͺ΄πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🌾


Hello sweet friends can you hardly believe it’s another growing season upon us. 2024 has moved into May in the wink of an eye.  With all the days of heavy rains the ground is being prepped and ready. The raised beds are full of nutrients and earthworms just waiting for those gorgeous plants to be inserted into the ground.  How I love this time of year. The smell of the earth and the warmth of the sun just make my heart sing. It is such a blessing to be able to have my Planta Greenhouse. 
I planted the cold frame in February. We did have some really cold nights however the seeds germinated and flourished to sweet delicious lettuce and radishes. The most amazing tasting spinach. When I say cold weather I am talking single digits with snow on the ground. 
The spinach has been so delicious. I am going to turn around and plant more seeds. 

Bruce planted all the onions with a bit on help from me. It’s just too hard for me to get down to plant them with my back. 
I always love to see the first dandelion flower of the year. Makes me so happy it’s a sign that spring is coming. 

If you could see it now in only a few weeks it has gone to growth mode. 

Happy Mother’s Day 

My daughter Alexis sent me this beautiful picture of Donna the twins grandma Amelia’s mom. I just love it. Brooks  is in front. Baker the other ketchup. So precious. I love them so much. 

We had to work for Mother’s Day but I got a lot of gifts and calls. It was a nice day. Makes my heart sing to be loved. 
Sending everyone love and happiness. 
(I had started this post a week ago or more) 

I am trying ❤️

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