Okay so many of asked me to post a family pic. I tell you it is hard when everyone has and lives different lives. It can be so hard to get a family pic, when I told everyone out front for a pic.....they said no one said we are taking pics....so this is us all on a lazy(yeah right) Sunday cookout afternoon. Jr. now 22 is living close by but works alot. Alexis is in college but now home for the summer but has several jobs. Crystal graduates from High School this year and leaves for Basic Training for the Army July. Amanda now 16 helps me alot and is busy in the 10th grade. Cody 11 is graduating from the fifth grade and participating in the DUKE tip program. Colten is in first grade and is very artistic. Colby will be starting school this fall and will miss being at home. Cooper is 2 and has now mastered potty training. Dusty is 9 mons. and is crawling everywhere. Me and Bruce well we are just mom and dad.Oh Yeah.....and Boomer!!!! Have a GREAT weekend!! Dawn