Thursday, February 18, 2010

SImply Summer

Hi all, well the boys went to school today, and brought home tons of homework. LOL!! Make-up work, wow it sure can be a lot. I had made this lo using Graphic 45 Botanicabella line. Bazzill cardstock. I guess you can see I am totally wishing for summer!! LOL!! This is a pics of Dusty from last summer, in a sunflower field. The flowers are made from Spellbinder's dies. SImply Summer cut from Quickutz and embossed with Cuttlebug dots embossing folder. I just love these pics. The flowers are embellished with fibers, wire, and beads in the centers, and glitter. Thanks for looking, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! Dawn :o)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lolli for 2
Hello everyone, I made this lo last night for the MME #8 Challenge and the ribbon challenge on Using the sketch provided by Anam Stubbington. The challenge to use red and/or pink. With these totally awesome papers from My Mind's Eye I knew right away the pics I wanted to use.. I know they are not the best pics....but it was one of those days outside working in the yard and my neighbor brought over the kids a giant bag of Halloween candy. Well the kids were like in paradise. Dusty started off with chocolates and then a sucker. We were all sitting around having a break and I looked and I saw Dusty letting Boomer share his sucker, now if that is not an act of love. I grabbed the camera and started taking pics. I then gave him a new!! I just thought how sweet of him to share with Boomer. I tried to capture the feeling here of a 1234 story telling. The paisleys were made from the Cricut Paisley cart. cut at 2, 2 1/2, and 3. Some of the paisleys came in the MME paper pack. I'm so glad I got this posted, whew!! I have been promising all week, I have had sick babies all week, and even as I type this Dusty is asleep on my lap. So I thank you so much for your patients, and appreciate all your heartfelt comments. Take Care, Dawn

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hunny I Love You!! Valentine Mailbox using the Cricut

Hello all I had done this for the Cuttlebug Spot Challenge this week to use a mailbox and since this is my first time participating....go easy. I used the spots Cuttlebug folder on the sun, and the hearts on the kite. Also this is for the Gypsy Spot..which it is also my first time playing there. I used my Gypsy to weld hunny and I love you on the front. I so wanted to use the Pooh carts, because ones who know me...know this is not my so called regular style...but I do love Pooh!! The pp is MME, Bazzill cardstock, Francis Meyer red check pp, velum for the bee wings. Hope everyone had a Wonderful Valentine's Day!! TFL, Dawn

Happy Valentine's Day

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!! These are some of the weekend festivities!! Hugs and Love to all!! Dawn
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