Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Canvas with vintage apron appeal
The brad is GCD

Love the brad (my great grandmother who was from Kansas actually had a pink house, which I loved)
The spool is a vintage one I cut in half with my Harbor Freight special tiny chop saw...love it!!
The pictures of the apron actually came from
a flea market
see story below
Picture of the Day!
This little dragonfly is one of many that just hang around my house
during the spring and summer
they even pose for you
I know you are laughing but it is true
when I am hanging out the laundry they will land on the clothes pins and even just sit there
watching you
I love it!!!

             Hello today I am bringing you yet a fun quick project using a cheap primed canvas...love these!! Ready to go! I used Golden Paints which are translucent and just are absolutely AMAZING!! I use them in just about in a lot of my painting projects.  It only takes a tiny bit to go a long way....they are full of pigment.
They blend well. Okay.....you got the picture. Let me tell you about the vintage clippings...I had gone to this flea market and I had $30 bucks to spend...yeah I know right.....when I first walked in the tables were loaded and about the third or so table I found these vintage pattern books from the 60's like 62, 63, 64....McCall's, Simplicity. Well I knew instantly I wanted them...what was running thru my head was oh $5 each (there were three) I'm only at the first couple of tables, I know I want them......alright I will take two I told the nice elderly man. Well as I was walking away grinning ear to ear....the man yells out hey miss you can have the other one......oh my goodness....I was just in a gleam all day....couldn't wait to get home and start using all gorgeous photos. Some even remind me of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. That time frame. When my buddies came to hang with me last Thursday I was just creating what ever came to mind.  My friends said they didn't like the color so much but I did I said...lol!! I was keeping in the colors and time frame some. The brad is GCD.  The spool is cut in half I also bought at the flea market. Hope you like it!!
          The dragonfly pic is just one from last summer....which not to wish my life away but I am so ready for some warm weather....I am an outside kinda gal. I am READY!! A lot of folks have said the same thing.  Punxsutawney Phil says we should have an early spring so with that all said .....bring it on!! LOL!!!
Have a super great week and be artful! Cyber Hugs, Dawn Gallop

1 comment:

flowerdisco said...

awesome! don't you love to find vintage stuff? i love flea markets too.

hey, do not feel bad- we are all busy living our lives and making the most out of it. you make my day too but i understand. sometimes i just browse. ;p


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