Week 4 of 48 Weeks with Donna Downey you can see all the inspiration from the class HERE it was a wonderful informative class..... I have so enjoyed it all although here lately like everything life can be very busy and my classes can be put on the back burner so to speak.... but I will be having my surgery on April 1 (I know April Fools) but let me tell you this isn't a fool around kinda day... the surgery will take roughly six hours and then I will stay over night and then come home.....yes it will be painful. I know I can do it....I've had nine children, lol! So I will have a lot of so called "down time" which I will just see about that I can't even get down time when I'm sick sick! So we shall see....so my plan is to finish my classes and paintings. I have so enjoyed it this class it is a must for one to take....... so come on and join us at 48 Weeks you can view all of my other weeks below WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK3 of course you are on week 4 right now Thanks for looking |
The full layout of week four of 48 weeks
my journal is the "megamole" as Donna says
mine is horizontal and most of the classmates are vertical, however it is it all works
some even use just canvases so come on and join me in 48 weeks
the flowers are the Donna Downey stencil dahlias
I think it turned out so peaceful and it just takes me back to when my girls were little and we picked flowers
now I have five boys left at home and I do get a lot of flowers and I am so thankful
here you can see the drawing I did before paint
on St. Patrick's Day we made some yummy cupcakes and the little ones were convinced the leprechaun made them and he was a "chef"
I got some pretty cool stuff for St. Patrick's Day in a swap I was in thanks Lu
Ok now who is ready now!!! Green beer please!
My grand baby Skylar aka Skybear on St. Patrick's Day I sent everyone these awesome little care packages full of goodies for them and I never heard from Crystal about that she even got it or anything....and you know what that hurts.....even a text messages would of been fine and I worked so hard on those packages. I am assuming she got it since I sent Skylar this headband. IDK? It has really broke my heart.
I did find this really awesome shirt at Wal-Mart which I sent to Crystal and she didn't even say a thing, nothing!! Not even cool shirt! I did it all for Skylar who I really miss!!!
My Lucky Grandma Shirt
Sorry to talk about this but I have to say it somewhere....we drove all the way to Tennessee when Crystal bought her house 14 hours away and we left on a Friday and came home on a Sunday so you do the math of how long we were in the car, yes the boys went too. We paid for her home inspection and everything there....and when we get back home and her house in finally finished to move in she wanted us to come back to move here and we just couldn't it cost a lot in fuel to drive our large van and the trip is very tiring....we also boys in school. Well since we didn't help her she is mad at us and it hurts me so......she doesn't call and when I call she doesn't answer and then when I text her she just ignores that too....I guess I really don't deserve to wear the shirt!
Her friend Jamie text me just about everyday even calls me momma....well I am in tears but I now have vented this and hopefully she will be nice to me and move on that we cannot run to Tennessee
twice in one month. The boys miss too much school. This is a busy time of year for the science projects, AR reading, end of grade testing soon.
I am having anxiety here and there about the surgery so I have to keep my mind busy......which I do anyway never a dull moment or any down time here!
My Lucky Grandma Shirt
I hope you have a great rest of the week, my dear friend Beverly is supposed to come out to visit tomorrow and it was here birthday so I am making her cupcakes in the morning! YUM! Many thanks to all my followers and readers of my blog. I will try to update one more time before the surgery at least......until next time....STAY ARTFUL!
P.S. We also have baby chicks in the eggs here in an incubator.....I will keep ya posted! Bruce has even bought me a little coop for the chickens when they of size.

1 comment:
Aw, hang in there, sweetie. Daughters can be unthoughtful sometimes. And other times, we all need to change our perspectives! Hugs! This too shall pass. Hope so for your sake! And sweet Skylars, too! Good luck on your surgery and congrats on that pub!!!
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