This is my take on Week 3 this was my first week that I was able to start when I signed up, you can read more about it HERE This again was a lot of fun and this theme was perfect for me, I used broken sea glass in my flowers and wrote the quote I found on the Internet that spoke to me. I used the Silhouette Cameo to cut the flowers, and the "wheat" that I turned into sea! Of course teals and neon's are my favorite colors ....well at least when I buy stuff I seam to be so attracted to them....on another note here lately I have been gravitating to purples.....which NEVER have been my thing....but it has been more in the clothing aspect of it. I recently had a reading done by a true psychic and when I sat down the first thing she said was "Is this color a new color for you? (I was wearing purple that I just bought for the very first time) and I said YES and she said well it looks very nice and you and truly is your now I'm seeing purple in a whole new world. You can join in 48 Weeks at anytime....and catch up or work anywhere you might want to begin....I'm having a blast and I know you will too! You can see other classmates work HERE If you would like to look at my Week 2 Go HERE or my Week 1 Go HERE |
Love the orange flowers
I hope you liked Week 3 I will try to get the next class done as soon as I can to share.
Close up of the flower from 48 weeks class 3.
I have a few more things to show you on my next post until next time go forth and be artful!

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