Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stuck On You Sketches "Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses" using the Creative Imaginations Beach Cottage Collections

Stuck On You Sketches
This week the sketch is by sweet Leah 
Who doesn't love the Friday reveal at Stuck On You Sketches??
The team has put together an awesome take on the sketch.
Check it out SOUS
I had a super time with this layout I had a babysitter for most of the afternoon so I could actually put together this wonderful layout. I used the pp from Creative Imaginations Beach Cottage Collection which the minute I laid eyes on was in my basket.
I bought it in May while in Florida. I was feely beachy sooooo of course this is what I put togther.
I wanted to name it treasures of the Sea.....but this also fits so well. Cooper at Nags Head in 2010. The boys LOVE the beach, well who doesn't?? 

The title is so perfect It is from Silhouette SD I cut from Bazzill Raven paper. I used half of a wine faux cork, sea shells,
Prima flowers, starfish, coral, sanddollars and more. Even the sand in the bottle. The ribbon I made using my Pfaff felting machine. Which I soooo love!!! It is just amazing!!!!

The Mermaid is just a favorite of mine anyday! I hand painted it using the Twinkling H20's now Creative Imaginations is selling them!!! Awesome I have had mine for many years from Luminarte. They are just awesome...I can't say it enough.
Then I went over them with a few Ranger Stickles.

I also added Copic markers to her skin tone. Raffia, stitched the background diecut which is from Cricut using the Lacy Labels Cartridge, and TH Distress Inks on the labels (diecuts)
The quote is fabulous and oh so perfect.......
“I dropped a tear in the ocean, and whenever they find it I'll stop loving you, only then.”


Oh my don't you love that quote.??

Here is the picture I used of Cooper at OBX 2010 edited in PhotoShop
Sketch By Leah Schaeffer

I took this adorable picture of my granddaughter Abigail this week, she has been her all week even spent the night, which is hard for her, she's a mommies girl. She loves the pool she asks all day Grandma Dawn we going to the pool now? I always love the summer, and it has flown usual. Sad I wish it could be summer a bit longer. They eaten nutty butties and popsicles all week.  I made them zoo pancakes for breakfast today and Abigail told the boys I made them for her. The cutest little story she was sad and missed her mommy and daddy last night so I was holding her in the bed all the boys were around her in a circle tring to comfort her it was like she was a brand new baby...I just thought how thoughtful and caring they were. I'm gonna miss ya Abigail when ya go to school! She starts school this year, Cooper is three months younger than her and he can't start till next year because of the deadline and he is sooooo ready, the school system has had so many cut backs they have elliminated the 4 year old program which Cooper could utilize but not now. Cooper is so READY!!!!


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Tammy E. said...

This is beautiful Dawn! And to think you bought a layout from me! I still have special thoughts of you because of that. Obviously, you are so talented!!! I hate to see you leave SOUS!

Shona said...

this is just gorgeous, love your mermaid :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh I'm gonna cry!
You are so amazing always, always create works of art and make such magic.
We loved having you at SOUS and your welcomed back anytime (cause I say so! LMBO!)
Thanks so much for being with us and hope things cool down on the home front for you...
Love ya girly!!!!!

annette said...

Dawn this is absolutely gob smacking gorgeous... love it all especially the mermaid ... love & best wishes X:)

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