Friday, June 3, 2011

Stuck On You Sketches Tutorial Making a Wrought Iron Fence "Rusty" Using the Cricut Ornamental Iron Cartridge

Hello everyone it was my turn to make a tutorial for SOUS this week and I am bringing you a fabulous easy way to get RUST!!! Gather your supplies I have used the Cricut Cartridge Ornamental Iron but this technique can be used for just about anything.  Using the Triangle Crafts Sophisticated Finishes there are several brands like Modern Options (I also have this) so be on the look out for several manufactures that sell these type finish products. Here we are using the Triangle Crafts Sophisticated Finishes sold at Michael's Arts and Crafts and other art suppliers. At Michael's I have seen them in the wooden section. You will need the Iron Metallic Surfacer and the Rust Antiquing Solution. Two paint brushes any type, size depending on your project. Craft mat or wax paper. Thin chipboard I used the back of a paper pack. Masking tape and of course whatever you are gonna RUST!

Here is a photo of the supplies you will need.
and then:
First insert the cartridge, I have used the deep cut blade and housing but if using cardstock you will not need the deep cut blade. Tape the thin chipboard (a cereal box will work), to the mat securely. Insert mat setting the depth to max and multicut. Remove from mat once cut. 

                       Once on the craft mat plaint a thick coat of the Iron Metallic Surfacer on the fence

Now before the Iron Metallic Surfacer is dry begin painting with the Rust Antiquing Solution this will help to get a more RUSTY look. You can let dry completely and only have spots of rust, but I like rust so I put it on before it dries. Just a hint but the directions are on the back of the bottle, this is just what I like to do.

Allow to dry completely, I use a fan with the technique I have not used a heat gun to speed the process??? I always just make it in a step an allow to dry on its own
Now you have this amazing rusty gate that looks old and so real. If you need to for your project you can seal this with an acrylic sealer. Spray it outside in a well ventilated area if you choose to seal this. I will not for my use. Thank You and I hope you can use this super cool technique using a awesome product!! Enjoy! Dawn Gallop


Micupoftea said...

Awesome tut, Dawn! Great idea to tape down cereal box...I will try that.

Brenda said...

wow thanks for sharing I loveee this rusty effect!

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