Monday, November 30, 2009

Catch Up ~Rusty Pickle~ ~Two Chicks Designs~Everything in between

Hello everyone I know it has been awhile I can hardly catch a moment for myself here. I was in Utah with all the Rusty Pickle girls and what a blast we had came home to two sick boys and a messy house. It has taken me this long to post anything. I made this for my secret sister at the Rusty Pickle retreat. Pamela Young was my secret sister and received this frame of her family. I had purchased the frame at Michael's for 4.99 in the wood section and used the Rusty Pickle Mayflower collection to decorate. I inked and used Tim Holtz crackle that stuff!! The alphas are Quickutz and the hearts are some wooden hearts I have had since the 80's...(i know) The bingo card is Jenni Bowlin, Prima flowers. Had lots of fun making and really enjoyed giving to Pamela. I will be posting more close up pics on my blog!!
Hello here is a lo I did a my dd Alexis using the November kit from Two Chicks Designs
Here is a lo I did with November kit from Two Chicks Designs

The lo is for the November ribbon challenge with katie777 using ribbons and trims. Bo Bunny pp.
Made this lo of Dusty using the kit from Two Chicks Designs

Made this lo of Bruce Jr. (now 22) when he was 9mons. from 1987. Using the November Kit from Two Chicks Designs
This lo is for the October Scrappack. We are only aloud to use ink, paint, pics, chalk, paper, journaling. This month we received:
1- 6x6 square brown felt-the tree
1- 5x5 square burlap-used to make flowers
1- 12inch piece of green ribbon cut into thirds and used for leaves for flowers
1-mini paper bag used as layering in the paper and a journaling square
12 tickets- painted and used as layering across bottom down by flowers and beside photo used all 12
1- 12inch piece of twine cut in half pulled across photo x2
2- mini wooden beads inked and place in flower middles
2- large wooden beads put on twine across photo
3- buttons placed at the top for embellies
So much fun!! Thanks!!
My dd Crystal (My Army girl)


Saskia said...

Oooooh.... you're sooooo creative!! Lovely, lovely work!!

Sweet greetings,
Saskia :)

Sherry -Aunt Elmo- said...

You have been very busy!!! I love it all. The frame is pure genius! I love it!!

So glad you're back! :) Hope the boys are feeling better. Tobias is getting over an ugly bug too :( It sure was nice when I was able to breastfeed him he never got sick. He's been sick twice now since stopping.

Love your work as always and I look forward to your blog updates!

Sherry -Aunt Elmo- said...

forgot to add...I giggle every time I come to your blog..."flip flop and pop tarts" is a very cool name! AND I'm reminded that this summer I learned they are called "flip flops" not foot flops...I have called them that my entire life!

~JulieH~ said...

Beautiful layouts but I have to say your altered frame is amazing! Absolutely beautiful. I laughed though that you have had the hearts since the 80's it must be a trait with crafters as I never get rid of anything either! Wnderful work as always!
Hope your boys are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

hello there!!!! I am sorry that I don't have more time to drool over these projects but am so glad that I caught them! all your stuff is gorgeous as usual! your such a talented chickie!
I too am a big fan of the title...and funny b/c my kids just threw a fit that they couldnt have pop tarts for dinner! LOLOLOL!
xoxo Leah

Sandi Clarkson said...

Dawn, these are all wonderful. Glad you had time to do a few. That frame is wonderful. Miss ya!

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