the contents are:
24 acrylic skittles- in the doilie lace for centers and in the flowers.
Maya road acrylic arrow-pointing to the baby and w/the title.
doilie-cut apart and made to look like lace running across bottom and side of photo.
4x10 sheet shrinky dink plastic- colored blue and cut in to stars and shrank...... (a Wish upon a star)
5 round re-enforcement labels-on flowers and the acrylic arrow.
beaded fringe- made onto the fishing line and put behind stars to make for a shooting star.
2 yards of fishing line- used on the shooting stars and painted black for the whiskers on the bunny.
fringed material- cut up and used to make flowers and put across top of photo.
4 split rings- used to make corner circles around photo.
cardstock quote shapes- painted aqua and used by photo.
mulberry square- made to make bunny to hold title.
the story behind the photo is that me and my husband would go for a walk in the late evening and when we would see a shooting star we would make a wish...well one night we both saw two different stars and wished for the same wish..and you can guess what we wished for! tfl!

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