Hello and Welcome to our Sept. 2012 end of the Summer Meeting at Catherine and Eric's house ~Letting Your Inner Child Play~
What an adventure we had, sooooooooooo
Let Me Tell You
A Story..
Lynn our teacher had this on the back of her vehicle. Perfect for her!
When I walked in Lynn our teacher was unpacking her trunk of beautiful mask.
The excitement of the unveiling of each mask was a new story to tell, each mask had its own personality, style, color, texture, and just using your imagination to tell a new story.
Just look at how beautiful each mask is....the feathers, the beads, the colors each a piece of amazing art.
This mask full of seed beads and leaves, with a tie dye print.
This mask is made of leather and painted.
Well of course this was my favorite one!! I had my eye on this "BAT" mask....perfect for the Halloween Season or just to tell stories with....or even just for fun. Love it!
Each mask having many details!!
We started our evening journey with a boat ride on Eric's and Catherine's pontoon boat.
Catherine was so nice to allow Bruce and Colby to stay the evening with me since it was a relaxing meeting.
While in the boat I took this pic of Eric with my IPhone, I love how the sun is shining on him.
Our lovely Theresa!
The sky and water were so beautiful, and what a view we had.
Again all IPhone pics, just love this one too.
Colby and I were having such a great time. Colby just loves Eric. He talked and talked about this day and still does. He just adores Catherine too.
Colby and Bruce had tagged along with me, since Catherine was so nice to let them stay too.
They were going shopping and do "guy" things for the evening.
We try to take one child with us when we do something to give each child a little special attention, when you have so many. It makes it real nice, a kinda "spoil" for the day.
Lynn and Theresa enjoy the boat ride as we head back in. Pure Hipstamatic pic. IPhone app camera.
Here is another view of us heading back to the house that evening, again a Pure Hipstamatic Camera. It really is not 1982, but 2012. Just love the look of all the Hipsta pics.
I was busy taking pics on the boat ride, while Lynn, Stephanee, and Theresa where spotters for wildlife. We were able to see several birds on our adventure.
The seagulls were a plenty and of course I love taking pics of the mile markers...I must have 50 or so over the years of boating. The view was spectacular! Thanks Eric and Catherine!!!!!
When we got back from boat riding Julie was in the pool. Among others in the hot tub. Colby blew up a small beach ball when we arrived. Here is a big beach ball in their pool.
After the boat ride Stephanee, Lynn, Bruce, Colby and I played croquet while the second group went out in the boat and others stayed in the pool and hot tub.
Bruce took this pic of me struggling but laughing the whole way!!
We had to keep yelling back and forth to Julie about the croquet "RULES"
It had been so long since any of us had played.
We all had so much fun.
Here Bruce was really into making his next shot, I think you can see Lynn's ball right in the way....wink!
Bruce and Lynn stayed neck and neck in the game.
Stephanee and I were in the rear. LOL!
Colby was "rocking" the ball! Go Colby!
Go Lynn!! Go!!
After all the boat rides, games, and pool fun we settled in for some yummy foods....we always have a potluck which is perfect because you get to taste new foods, and see the beautiful foods that others make.
You can see just how yummy everything was.
I love the salad.
The potatoes mmmmmm!
Oh look at that "beautiful" banana bread I wonder who brought that.........
Oh you guessed I did! Everyone loved the bread.
The bird house on Catherines' porch,
We started in on the mask, our wonderful teacher Lynn showed us how to begin. She brought everything, including all the feathers and graciously shared with the TAG group. Thanks so very very much Lynn!! It was a BLAST!
Lovely sweet Cynthia working hard away at her sweet adorable mask!
Theresa, Lynn, Stephanee, and our lovely funny Ann (she is sooooo cute and funny) She was "hot glue gun" impaired. She even burnt herself once and stuck her finger in Stephanee's wine cup....hahaha!!! Good times!
Look how cute Ann is in her mask.
Cynthia rocked her adorable little "kitty"
Theresa made this beautiful "forest" themed mask just amazing!!
Denise sports her colorful mask. Awesome!!! You go girl!
They all turned out so beautiful....there were more than this, but everyone left at different times, I was unable to get them all.
Look at how we ended our journey but by the fire and roasting marshmallows. The fire was such a relaxing way to end such a wonderful meeting. Inspired and ready to create!!! Lynn since she is story teller.....who travels to schools and libraries sharing her most wonderful talent told us two stories, she really kept your attention and I felt like I was in the story. JUST AMAZING!!! FUN!
The marshmallows were yummy and Bruce and I had brought little chocolate bars....Oh the years we spent doing Girl Scout camping...brought back memories......well we passing them out...Denise puts the chocolate bar on her smore and bites into with the paper on it!!! We all laughed so hard!!! I'm still rolling thinking about it. It was dark and we were just enjoying every ones company...easy mistake??? Or maybe she meant to do it!!! LOL!!!!! Hahaha!!! Good times!
Ann was soooooo cute eating those smore's gotta love it!! We love ya Ann!
Pic taken by Eric Look how cute we are!!! Cynthia too adorable!! Love the look!
Again pic taken by Eric...love it Cynthia!!!! Soooo cute! We defiantly released our inner child!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!
It was once again an awesome time with the TAG group!
At one of our journaling get together "Angel's on Fire" I made two pecan pies that moring for the meeting, I only took one. Since the boys and Bruce love it so much. I am sharing the recipe that was given to me from a when I had an ultrasound many years back and I have been making every since..it is a VERY VERY good pecan pie. Not overly sweet yet very tasty.
Makes one pie
3 eggs lightly beaten
3/4 cup dark corn syrup I use Karo Brand
3/4 cup Sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/2 tsp. vanilla (I use real vanilla)
1 cup of pecan halves in unbaked shell (that day I had to make the crust although I usually just buy the 9 inch ready to fill frozen pie crust)
3 Tablespoons of melted butter (I use real butter)
Preheat oven to 375* degrees
Combine eggs and corn syrup mix well (I use my Kitchen Aide mixer) and add sugar mix thoroughly.
Stir in salt and vanilla, Let stand five minutes......add melted butter. Pour over the pecan (that you have already spread out in the pie shell) the pecans will rise to the top during baking.
Bake at 375* degrees for 40-45 minutes (each oven varies) you can check to see if its done by inserting a butter knife in the middle or a fork and it comes out with a firm look and feel. Allow to cool before serving. Refrigerate any left overs.
Thanks again for visiting the blog......remember I still have the ATC Sunday going on see post below. Thanks.