Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Quick View of My Garden

Here is a picture of a sunflower that I have some artistic effects to in PhotoShop
I just love the beauty of the sunflower, an amazing gorgeous flower.
A little garden fairy that I bought at Joann's in Florida at 60% sweet and I have placed here in my herb bed.
The photo has been artistically altered in Photoshop.
I have several garden fairies located throughout my garden.

Here is the front of my new garden shed, that Bruce has built me and I designed, it is so cute and just a wonderful
enjoyment to my garden. Now all my tools and garden supplies have a special house. Not to mention I have had fun decorating this year, most items I have had in my studio because they have been meant for this DREAM garden shed I have wanted forrrreeeevvvverrrrr. I just adore it!!

The garden beds are all raised and have been since 2004, when we first put in the beds, when we moved in Dec. 2008 he moved the beds and even the dirt, so I have been using the raised beds for quite sometime and do enjoy the convience of them. It is whole lot easier for me to take care of since I am really the lone gardener in my house, although I do get help from the boys in the beginning.  

Here are some of the pumpkin plant, and gourds. They do travel, the may pea bed is beside it and of course they have been put in my freezer and I have replanted in their place. I have many birdhouse gourds already larger than my hands.

The greenhouse where I start all my seeds every year and have since 1999, I ordered from FingerHut in 1997 and it took like forever to pay for LOL! I am so amazed how well it has maintained and keeps on working year after year. I have bags of dirt stored in their now for my potting table which is on the other side of the new shed.

Plenty of Butterfly Bushes which all flying creature LOVE my entire yard is full of my favorite little flying dragonflies.
I kid you not I have watched them for many years now and they actually pose for you when shooting them, it is just astounding. I will get so close to them and they just start posing.

I plant sunflowers all throughout the garden, they provide some shade  and beauty to the garden, this one here is I know 15ft high.....AMAZING!
A beautiful butterfly that we get to enjoy day after day.

Here is a little garden cart I have had since 2003 it put my hand tools in while in the garden.
See the pampas grass sticking out I planted that from seeds....AMAZING! It has taken since March to get that high.
Squash plants, zucchini, and bell peppers...which they all have been plentiful.....we have been grilling them just about every night.
Another view we have birds in the houses, it is such a pleasure to see them frolic around. They will drink water from the wine barrel pond. The dutch statues I painted in 1995 and still adorn the garden for eye candy. See how tall my tomato plants are which have been producing a plenty.

Well I hope you enjoyed a quick visiting through my garden. Here are some gnomes I bought at Dollar General
this year, at one time they were taller than the plants but now it is the other way around. Here are the carrots
behind the gnomes.


Jane Wetzel said...

hi Dawn...lovely garden! Hope u r well! Sending u hugs! Happy 4th!

Micupoftea said...

Oh, how LOVELY!!!!!! Beautiful blessed! I'm envious! The fairy and painted pieces are cute, Dawn. Thanks for the peek into your backyard. HAPPY, safe & fun 4th! xo

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