Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lolli for 2
Hello everyone, I made this lo last night for the MME #8 Challenge and the ribbon challenge on Using the sketch provided by Anam Stubbington. The challenge to use red and/or pink. With these totally awesome papers from My Mind's Eye I knew right away the pics I wanted to use.. I know they are not the best pics....but it was one of those days outside working in the yard and my neighbor brought over the kids a giant bag of Halloween candy. Well the kids were like in paradise. Dusty started off with chocolates and then a sucker. We were all sitting around having a break and I looked and I saw Dusty letting Boomer share his sucker, now if that is not an act of love. I grabbed the camera and started taking pics. I then gave him a new!! I just thought how sweet of him to share with Boomer. I tried to capture the feeling here of a 1234 story telling. The paisleys were made from the Cricut Paisley cart. cut at 2, 2 1/2, and 3. Some of the paisleys came in the MME paper pack. I'm so glad I got this posted, whew!! I have been promising all week, I have had sick babies all week, and even as I type this Dusty is asleep on my lap. So I thank you so much for your patients, and appreciate all your heartfelt comments. Take Care, Dawn


~JulieH~ said...

Oh Dawn! I read your story first then looked at your storyboard LO. The photos tell the story perfectly ! What a sweet lttle one Dusty is sharing his Lolli! As always your details on your LO are fabulous. so much to look at, I love the threaded ribbon. Beautiful work!

Sherry -Aunt Elmo- said...

This is just priceless!! The pictures are too precious! Tobias is learning all about sharing with the dog - ugh! But like you (haha) I run for the camera, but I haven't gotten a picture of it yet :(

Love the layout girlie! The way you did that ribbon is stunning!

Hope the little ones feel better soon. It's so hard when they are sick :(


Sandi Clarkson said...

Oh, Dawn, you are too funny! What a fabulous moment in the life of a kid! Can't believe you got a pic! Dusty cannot be this old already! Where does the time go? Love your layout . you do these colors so well .. fab sketch and love that ribbon! Cheers!

Nanne said...

What a wonderful memory to go with an absolutely wonderful layout.. I too got a giggle out of the story.. Kids are so great and so willing to share with others..LOL :O)
I'm so sorry to hear your little ones are feeling a bit under the weather, but I'm so happy you got some "you time" to get this layout finished.. Its fab by the way!! :O)

Samantha Taylor said...

Very cute! Love those pictures.

Ginger said...

LOL--What a great moment to document! Very nicely done!

Liz said...

Saw this at and think it is gorgeous, especially the bit of ribbon. Good luck with the MME challenge.

Amber said...

Dawn, you have so much well deserved praise here.

I love that story!

Thank you for playing along with us.

Brenda said...

awww this is priceless...thank you soo much for making me smile today!!!

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