Saturday, September 18, 2010

Give Me A Call Sometime Copics Cool Greys

Hi again well made this card using this wonderful digi stamp from Sketching Stamper Digi Stamps . I was in love with that digi stamp when I saw it and thought how perfect for a cool grey technique. Chris is one seriously AMAZING artist!!!! Check her out. You will love her blog!!!! She is so sweet!!!!! Thanks Chris for this amazing litttle digi stamp. I really liked the way she turned out. I know a change for me but sometimes you need a change. Too much fun!!!! Bazzill cardstock. Copics cool greys. The ribbon is some that came on a sheet set always recycling here. Spellbinders nestabilities. Have a wonderful day.....I am off to buy a new dishwasher.....the one we bought for the new house in Dec. 2008 has already blew-up....that was a short life for this one. It litterally will run 2-3 times a that really is not bad I guess. TTYL......Cyber Hugs, Dawn :o)

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hi Dawn and WOW, I just popped on to your blog as I was so pleased to see that you'd posted and look what I find :), your amazing colouring of the digi and your beautiful and sweet words, thank you very much and for the links too, I really appreciate it! I hope you've been well and the family are all OK. Lovely to see you posting and I'm now going to comment on your amazing art above. Big hugs, Chris :)

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