Friday, January 22, 2010

Sing It's Spring Card

Hello I know I have been not posting as much as I always do but heres the scoop....I have had my same laptop since 2006, well I have dumped my pics into an external hardrive and I still was out of room, well not only that, my computer has been on life joke here since last year. The screen went out on it, so I had to hook it up to a old heavy monitor then one day I let Cooper watch A Bug's Life by Disney which I purchased for him from I-Tunes and bam he decided to tear the keys up on the laptop, in like less than five minutes. Well hubby brought home a keyboard that evening for me. Since it really is OLD in computer lives....early 2006. It was so slow and some sites I couldn't even go on or leave comments because I couldn't add anything else to it. So now hopefully hubby will take the hints and get me a new computer!!!! Anywhoooo I am uploading a project I did using SpellBinder's, I used the circle Scallops Nestibilities and took the smallest sizes and ran thru the wizard, and fan folded the one circle, then fan folded the same size five times and then folded them over to create the one flower, glue together each side, use a thinner paper it really works best than the thicker ones. Everything is SpellBinders, the cardstock is Bazzill. The bling in the middle of the flowers are Prima. The stamps are Studio G (the ones you get for a buck)I jsut love that. I began stamping in the early 90's and there was no such thing a $1 stamp, they were all wood mounted, sometimes you get get the rubbers at a rubber stamp show and stick them on any wood piece you could get. I still have all these stamps, and love using them...but I do love scrapping my pics. I try to incorporate more stamps into my los....any way gotta go Dusty is crying..woke up out of his sleep.. take care, Dawn


magicwanda said...

Hi Dawn
It's been a while since I have dropped by (sorry)
This is such a pretty springy card!
Leave it up to you to figure out new things to do with nesties.
I hope Hubby takes a hint and gets you a ( WELL DESERVED ) new
Take care
Big Hugs Wanda

Brenda said...

Dawn love the colors and those flowers are soooo beautiful! I would still be using my windows 98 if it was up to Gary...but my son Shane bought me a new one...Gary just doesn't get it, thanks God Shane does!

Sandy said...

Hey miss Dawn...thanx for the blog love....I really enjoy hearing from are such a blessing to the scrappy world and I love your work...this card is fab and being the flower lover that I am I will have to try these..they are lovely...thanx for the how to on them...really beautiful. Hope everything is well with you and yours....happy Monday!

~JulieH~ said...

Wow how amazing are those flowers! I have to try this! Gorgeius card makes me wish Spring was here!

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