Saturday, November 29, 2008


Here is a lo I did for the Nov. Scrappack. The pic is my dd going to her senior prom. The items used to complete the lo are sent to you and you are only allowed to used paper and ink, paint, chalk and journaling. tfl.


Tammy said...

DAWN!!!! How are you? I was just checking to see if you posted anything new and yuppeee you have!! Love this layout! The details are awesome, very pretty!! I have been working on Christmas cards, I miss doing layouts but running out of time for those cards...are you almost ready for Christmas??

TTYL, Hugs,


Jamie Pyles said...

Pretty LO and love the colors!!
Have a Merry Christmas!

Lynn said...

Absolutely gorgeous work! I was just looking at all the beautiful layouts I have missed on your blog, and WOW WOW WOW! You are such an inspiration! I left you an award on my blog! Happy New Year and biggest hugs to you! ~Lynn

Tammy said...

Dawn, I miss seeing your stuff on the MB! Hope your doing well, just wanted to say hi!!!!!



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