Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 13 Donna Downey's 48 Weeks Journal Workshop ~It's All Perspective~ Lots of pics

Hello wonderfuls!!! It has been an amazing fast summer and as we draw close to the first day of fall. What a busy time it has been. We had an amazing time with our grandsons who we went to Wisconsin and picked up on July 17, well should I say we flew up. We bought our tickets from Frontier which so far we have been happy with their service. Always very accommodating flight attendants and pilots. The boys were here from July 17-August 17 we had so many adventures that they are too numerous to mention. We kept one year old Riggy and two year old Ledger extremely entertained. Plus those who know me I am a big kid too so I was up to any all undertakings and experiences we all could absorb or conquer. 
We also spent from Saturday to Wednesday in Wisconsin seeing some our favorite in-laws and family members and even meeting new ones. On Monday we went to the UP in Michigan with Cody and Amelia and even met Amelia's parents for the first time. Let me just say it was another INCREDIBLE day. We brought her parents mead and she brought us some of her delicious raspberry jam. 
Then we returned to North Carolina it was hot and humid, and we were all tired but it was right back to work. We started off with the usual catching up on stuff, finishing up some of the harvest. The figs were about done at this point, but up to about last week I was still picking off stragglers which are always super yummy and exciting to find. I absolutely love figs and so did Ledger and Riggy. 
On to the post well I started working on this off and on when the boys went to bed however painting was put on hold as I could only do so much while they were here and bees, honey, cheese, pickles, and jams don't take breaks so I was basically burning the wick at both ends. As soon as they went down for the evening, Bruce and I headed over to the kitchen to work. We would from 8ish until 12am or 1am depending on how long it took. I still needed to make product for my markets. Crops did stop and wait for me to pick so many days I had the boys in the fields with Riggy on my back. They helped as much as they could making it fun. 
So now if you would like to find out more about the class go to Donna Downey where you can register for the class or even just look at all the amazing art. 
I was so glad to finally start Second Semester which is where week 13 starts. There are actually four semesters. I have certainly enjoyed the process!!!! So very much....this painting in my journal has actually been done for more than a week now or more, but with the Hurricane Dorian and all the work I have been too busy to post. I have started week 14 but the gesso is as far as it has gotten yet. 

A full view of week 13 with my Hoka Ones I wear around here I have had these for five years if you are ever looking for a great long lasting running shoe this is it! I use them on the treadmill and or some days for working in the kitchen. 

the shadowing 

the circles were so much fun 

the great big circle really shows all the colors well 

Its all perspective and this IS the plain truth!!! The little snippet of wording is a Tim Holtz sticker sheets. 

This one was in the evening that golden hour of sunlight I added the sparkles 

My book in really getting big and thick and as Donna says it just makes me HAPPY!!! 
I am so glad I took this class and although it was Christmas of 2013 I was gifted it by my husband.....and I haven't worked in it until this year since really just makes me HAPPY! 
If you would like to see any of the other classes go to the weeks below to see each week. Thank you and enjoy. 

I have been making apple butter non stop trying to be ready for Newport News Fall Festival which I have many customers. 

Always making soap of course ALWAYS  
Bruce and I in our soap room with our lye safety glasses on

our All American Pressure canner 941 which we can all our non acid foods in for ourselves like potatoes, meat, carrots, soups, broth, etc 

We canned carrots which I made a video on too 

of course more jams all I want to do is make some different ones but never can get past the so called regular ones. 

This pic is before the sugar went in too so once that happens the pan is full its a 15 quart copper pot

Dusty is in the band this year and has picked the euphonium as his instrument 

this is the 3/4 size and its still pretty big he is super excited 

Our son Cody has purchased himself a brand new Yamaha motorcycle and he gave us all rides it was really enjoyable I am always so proud of my kiddos

Cody taking his mom (me) for a swing around the block 

One of my favorite days in Wisconsin where we all went to a park in Wisconsin and climbed this lookout tower
From left to right Bruce, Me, Cooper, Amelia, and Cody 

We went to the movies right before school started to get some more clothes, shoes, etc at the mall when I carry my crew to the movies its cost $59 to get in and then in snacks popcorn etc that was $57 I MEAN MIND BLOWING......LOL
I said WHAT? when the girl said $57 for snacks I got a drink...ok well Colten had a $5 Icee and Colby and Bruce had $7 nachos plus the popcorn.....I really need to limit them I thin????UHMM 
It was a lot of fun and we are ready to go back but seriously DUDES lets get one snack not two and three Dusty had Icee, popcorn, and a Snicker bar. No complaints at all!!! Everyone enjoyed themselves. Well worth everything 

 Ok as you know they all really don't like pictures.....but bless their hearts they did it for me. Colten is now a senior, Colby a freshman, Cooper is in the seventh grade, and Dusty now at Middle School as a sixth grader. They all had new clothes, shoes and socks I tell you socks cost more than clothes.....I spent more in the shoes of course but the socks I sworny it they can be extremely pricey. Then when I wash clothes I find more missing socks than anything.....really boys! Oh I know its the sock people they came in the back of the washer and took them!! LOL My oldest son when he was like 10ish we had went to the laundry mat and we were using the big washers and he opened the door of the washer and YELLS HELLO ALL YOU SOCK PEOPLE! I busted out laughing because surely at 10 he even knew socks just disappear!
We had to help my aunt to get a new car, we took he car shopping and here it is an adorable small hatchback which she is loving. Her engine blew up and she was walking to work which is ok but not when you get off at 9:30 at night, all I did was worry until we could get there to go shopping with her. 

We have another beautiful grandson from our oldest son and his wife Kim. I think I already told you this but he is growing fast....Levi we love you! 

Happy Painting!! 
lots of cyber hugs! 

Riggs painting while here at my house! I love this pic such concentration!

We will be at Smithfield from 9-12 tomorrow for the farmers market. 
I have a lot I have made for tomorrow the apple butter, cheese, eggs, bracelets, earrings, more soaps, salves, tinctures, new lip balms.....I am ready!!! See ya soon. 

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