Friday, April 13, 2018

Goats, Coats, Bees and Cheese ..........Smithfield Farmers Market on Saturday April 14, 2018

 Good Morning everyone........this is going to be sweet and to the point. Tomorrow we will be at Smithfield Farmers Market in Smithfield Virginia from 9-12noon behind the BSV Bank on Main Street. There is also other great things to do in the town on Saturday so if you can stop by. The above pic is of Violet and Milly.......Milly was one of my goats I sold several weeks ago....and is living the "BIG Goat Life" these two are so spoiled they live in baby onesies and diapers and of course drink from baby bottles. They are in the house until they are six months old as the lady told me. WTG Milly....we miss you!
See how sweet and precious Milly and Violet have it. Adorable precious goats! #GoatLove 
Remember this Saturday from 9-12 noon April 14, 2018 #SmithfieldFarmersMarket 

 I made several jams this week and let me tell you once again as if you haven't heard it enough.....another busy busy busy week......I want a less busy week to enjoy painting or reading....but that will come later....after planting season. This jam is the Strawberry Fig Vanilla Bean Jam which is very much asked for and goes very fast. Vanilla beans have went sky high on price and it has been hard to come by to be able to afford them. Also I do have two bottles of the aged vanilla extract that aged for more than a year.....soooo if you want that better get it fast.
The strawberry fig vanilla bean jam, also here lately I have the worst time getting jars...well this size as I haven't been able to buy the pallets like before but going to Walmart, Food Lion, and Kroger the jars on the shelf will only be like two cases....I just hope that soon there will be more jars in the stores. 
I got lots of stuff done this week, deodorants, rose waters, beard oil, soaps (of course the soaps I did this week will need to cure) I also got several more salves made, we labeled a lot of soap that was already on the shelves. I continued to transplant in the greenhouse you can see the video on YouTube below I also made lots of cheese, lots of fermented foods and cooked dinners and ran errands as needed. I hate having to leave as there is sooo much here to do. My title of the post this week is Goats, Coats, Bees and Cheese....well as always we are milking goats (story of our lives) and Sunday I was at Riverview Farmers Market in Norfolk Virginia which was fantastic! I post a lot of pic on Instagram as stampmom9 so if you would like to see them go to Instagram and look for stampmom9 
I am always cold so I am always wearing a coat but on Sunday the wind blew and I tell you I FROZE! It literally took me till Thursday of this week to not feel tired and wore out from Sunday as basically I was in the wind and cold from 8 am to 5 pm that evening, yes its a much longer market but when its warm it will be wonderful. Lots of zoo goes, and park fun!
Well and as far as cheese and already know that story. 

This is a video on YouTube of my plants in the greenhouse please take a look everything I have planted from seeds

Our bees, I took I small video of one of the hives and you can also here the rooster crow and the bees buzzing and hauling lots of pollen hauling work work!! It is just beautiful watching the bees....They are truly AMAZING!  

This coming week is my cheese class at Wine and Cake Hobbies  you can view and make purchases for my classes 
at this link
You still have time to sign up for Tuesdays class I will be having cheese to sample and show you how to make it. 
Next Saturday 
Next Saturday 

Well it looks like its going to be a beautiful Saturday and I hope you get out enjoy your day the weather is going to be outstanding. 
I have been reading a new book now its called 
I am loving this book and it is sooo true! 

Also Jane Davenport has two new books coming out real soon check them out here...

I can't wait to get these copies. 

Until next time have a FAULOUS WEEKEND 
Dawn Gallop

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