Sunday, July 14, 2019

Week 11 of Donna Downey's 48 Weeks Journaling Workshop ~Live in the Moment~ LOTS OF PICS

       Hello beautiful people its once again Friday night....and we just finished getting everything done for the day. I am waiting on Bruce to get done outside and its 9pm thank goodness for Instapots and I right!!!! Amen to that! We had to go out today and actually relinquish supplies....when you work all the time and somethings you just can't order. We needed more jars, more cheese containers, and of course some easy foods for the boys tomorrow...however Colby is the resident chef as Bruce says....Colby likes to refer to himself as get this "Gordon Ramsey" everyone bellows in laughter.....HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! He loves watching his YouTube videos and shows and remind me well Gordon Ramsey says, etc. I remind him I know what I am doing and keep on cooking....ya gotta love it though....I think I have learned somethings Colby has said btw! So keep up the good work Gordon kids are learning and that is TOTALLY AWESOME!! I have been a usual worker bee this week making more tie dyes, jams, pickles, and a few body products and of course more bracelets. I love the support from all my customers at the market and of course our market family....we always look forward to Saturday. Well Bruce is in now gotta run to the USDA kitchen and do some back soon.
          Well I am back and now its Sunday evening and I am now cooking dinner, was supposed to be supper but we ended up having a swarm and I picked a bunch of veggies, time ran away with me. Colten has literally been on the tractor all day cutting grass, in his own words "MONOTONOUS" can you hear us both laughing after he said that....??? YES you can. I said what do you think making the same jam is or the same cheese, or washing laundry???? lol we both laughed on that one. I can do my monotonous jobs with my eyes closed but somehow its better to leave them open....and sometimes its nice to be able to make something else besides the same jams, so a little creativity is good!
           Enough of my chit chat here but onto the page in the journal. This makes week 11 of the 48 Weeks Journal Workshop by Donna Downey you can go to her website and still take the class. I actually started this workshop in January of 2014 and only made it up to workshop four complete and five half way. Thats ok though you know the old saying better late than never. Well let me tell ya this one was way out of my usual type of mixed media work and as far as flowers go not something I had really ever did except in week six a wee bit similar although it was poppies but defiantly the first time for flowers in a vase and this type. Oh my goodness I am certainly hooked now. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I am so thankful I have took a bit of time in my life to get some of these accomplished for I really don't have so called "me" time but now I just say I going to put a coat of paint on and just do it! You can only work so much and my back an only take so I take a few minutes here and there to finally complete my workshop.....and I am so happy I am.
                                                      Love the texture and the colors.
                                                                the background is way to cool very tactile
I enjoyed this whole process 

the quote was perfect and came from an old calendar I had from 2015 which is the Page A Day by Workman Publishing the painting by Jessica Roush dot com "Live in the moment" I have these little pieces of paper as Dusty explains to everyone she has the artist brain lol but the calendar page was from September 28, 2015
I love these little calendars they are such great inspirational pieces of art and the new one comes out on July 23, 2019 for 2020 you can even get the back issue ones If they are still available I know 2018 still is and 2019 

note all the colors in the flowers 

I have been so digging this workshop and totally love that about summer being able to go on my porch and paint "such a happy place"

if you would like to see some of the other weeks you can see them here 

I am now working on week 12 and can hardly believe it hopefully it will be done soon I was able to get my orders done tonight as tomorrow I have my yearly exam and I have still had this so called sickness but its just allergies because when I get outside picking I just start sneezing and to think I eat a lot of honey so idk 

While Bruce and I were in Florida for Aubrey's 3rd Birthday we all went skating it was a blast 

It was like we had never stopped skating being a child of the early 70's rolling skating was a thing for sure and we both spent a lot of time rolling skating 

Aubrey loved it too and even asked Amanda to go back and they did like the next weekend 

Aubrey rode Dusty around on her tricycle, too cute

I always make tie dyes and have for years and I sell these at the farmers market 
you can see a short video I did on how I do it 

Making the tie dyes are just fun!!! 

my friend Cheryl brought me two plants one day at one of the craft shows I was at and they have been producing like crazy and so delicious I have made eggplant parmigiana, grilled eggplants all so yummy thanks to Cheryl for these prolific plants 
This one I had a special request for and made it exactly how she wanted it 

Bruce raises homegrown chickens we have raised quite a few we also sell these, we are approved by the North Carolina Vet as a home processor and we just moved these from the commercial freezers to a chest freezer 

they didn't all fit in the chest freezer and the chickens are the only thing in the chest freezer 

these are all my seeds as I am a seed saver and  stratify my seeds every year 

See these happy little faces.....well guess what they are going to be staying with us for the next month 
Riggy is so adorable and he came last year when he was only two months 

Big Brother Ledger is coming too and the last time he was here he had just turned he just turned two 

I am overjoyed at the thought......more to come

These are their pics from last year while they were here 

Ledgie with Sage one of our Oberhasli dairy goats last year 

Riggy in the carrier from last year over in my office I just love that look

I can't wait 
Super duper excited 

Well better close I am reading two books now and want to get back to one of them immediately 

Have a great week
Thanks for stopping by 

Cyber hugs, Dawn Gallop

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