Monday, January 8, 2018

SCD Pecan Pie Recipe Made with Our Honey and SNOW SNOW Everywhere

Bruce made this pie for me and let me tell you DELISH!!
Just look at how perfect it came out for someone who has never really made a pie, while he calls me the pie princess since I have made soooo many pies I mean like 1,000's over the years and pecan pie is like my specialty.
There is not much I can eat that doesn't tear my stomach up so for more than two years now I have lived on SCD diet and it has helped exuberantly. So I am very careful on what I eat and mostly I can not even go out to eat, since I can't trust how the food was handled with other gluten items, or sugars etc.
The crust was delish too.
Close up of the pie crust
Here is the pecan pie before it went in the oven.
Here is the RECIPES on how he came up with the pie recipe.
He used the PALEO PIE CRUST from Elana Amsterdam  
The PIE recipe came from and we just used our honey and it was perfect it didn't even bother my stomach at all. I only use Kosher salt, the gluten free vanilla from McCormick if I don't have any of my own homemade which I use absolute vodka which doesn't effect my stomach.
This is the recipe PECAN PIE remember only use the paleo pie recipe for the crust above. This worked out delish!!
It was wonderful to be able to enjoy this pie Bruce made.
If you would like my regular pie recipe "old Skool" style
go HERE the recipe is at the bottom of that post.
This has been our temps lately and let me tell you our area is not used to these temps. My daughter has always told us "we don't know cold" since she lives in Wisconsin since she met the love of her life who are wonderful son in law is from. Cody has since moved there too. The work is good, where we are rural and jobs aren't as plentiful.
Looking out the window of my studio.
Snow is beautiful and still here as temps have not been high enough to melt the snow. The boys still have not went back to school but they are not complaining about that.
 These pics are all on our farm. This is the path where I see the wild turkeys in late summer and early fall.

 Always such an amazing view just looking in the woods or just walking thru to refreshen the soul.

This is when it first started we have to continue all night while the snow is falling to keep the snow off the high tunnel and greenhouses.

The boys in front of the high tunnel while we were cleaning off the snow from the top.
More pics of the snow in the trees

Paths in our woods

That is the chicken coop from the trees in the snow
Our grandson Ledger is all bundled up and staying warm this winter. I just love this pic...he reminds of Coop in this one.
Grama Kelly got him this and Alexis says they are really warm.
Dusty wanted to sew his patch on his coveralls which were Cody's coveralls by himself, he done very well. When he threaded the needle he was like this is "FRUSTRATING"  
He worked on it for awhile
He done good!!! I will have to get a pic of the finished product. He is at the stage he isn't into pics anymore.
Despite the frigid temps some of our girls are still laying eggs which is always a bonus this time of year.
My aunt fell and broke her shoulder and dislocated it well they set it at the emergency room but she still needs the surgery. This is all happened on Thursday the fourth of January. We went to bring her home from the hospital thankfully we have four wheel drive as the snow was pretty deep. She left her driveway in an ambulance the ambulance actually got stuck too and the National Guard had to come help get them going again. No one could get her out of the snow and if the lady across the street was not on her back porch hearing my aunt scream for help no one would of known. No one was coming down the road, in fact mail hasn't even been delivered since the snow started falling. Hopefully today Monday it will come. Bruce and I have taken meals up there and I made her a cake, corn bread, and corn pudding a few things to make it from day to day. We take her to the doctor tomorrow to see when the surgery will be.
Hope everyone is staying warm and getting some of those inside jobs done. I have cleaned out a few closets and reorganized some books.
Work on my journal too.
I think at this point everyone is welcoming reality as the snow melts and the schools open soon. I won't know until sometime today whether it will be a delay of closed again.
Let me some of your ideas and new thoughts and plans for the New Year.
Dawn Gallop


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