Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Nature Hike and the Recipe for a Butternut Squash SCD Dessert I made.

We as a family and/or just me and Bruce love to go hiking. On the Saturday before Christmas Eve Colten wanted to go on a hike and explore right around our house. It's always an adventure when you can discover nature finds everywhere you look. It not only sparks the imagination but you wonder in amazement how the feather got here, how the bones of a animal arrived there....was it old age or nature taking back or was it only perhaps the link in the food chain for something much larger. Feathers have meaning and Dusty and I have talked about this many times and he reminds me to not get the black ones....but the love of feathers takes over and color is forgotten.

 We found an a turtle shell that once had a living turtle in it. More feathers.

A beautiful fall leaf in the middle of the quiet, brown, wintery woods.
A bright red holly leaf  a reminder of the time of year.
Dusty had found the skull of a possum once again a reminder of life of the past.
The holly leaves in the background. Note the wintery feel of the woods. So quite and peaceful you can hear any snap or pop under your feet. The wind blows up high in the trees where the pine trees sway back and then again hear the cracks of limbs swaying in the winds.
. I love seeing the moss and fungus growing and you can just feel the texture by looking at it. Makes you want to be able to paint the feel and the light that comes from the picture.
Another view of the log. A site of where a tree once stood and its branches flowing in the wind and the rain falling upon its leaves or fronds. The seasons that it has seen the years it endured all the changes of time. Reminds me of the book that is really one of my most favorite books of them all The Giving Tree By Shel Silverstein. I have read that to all my children and we have had the same copy for many years.
It was so wonderful seeing the two brothers enjoy the day out on adventure. It was actually almost 70 degrees on this day. Which was nice for a discover day.
We crossed over many waterways which was incredible enjoyment for Dusty nothing like being a kid and enjoying Nature. I saw a book actually today at Barnes and Nobles called Vitamin N by Richard Louv which seemed very interesting while I was looking at it I thought of this day since it was recent in my memory. However we frequent nature hikes as it clears the mind and awakens the soul. In fact I was reading how nature actually makes you more creative, relieves tension, anxiety, stress and is good for your health in that your body gets exercise.
Dusty coming across the waterway with all his nature finds and big brother helping pull him out of the water (which by the way Dusty loved it) Dusty now has that piece of drifted swamp wood in his room. For the love of nature.
at places the water was moving fast and I watched as the leaves floated by.
Dusty squatting down just looking into the water........
I always love the reflections of the trees.
Dusty and I found this little cardinal feather which is really tiny. This color of feather is not one you usually find. Dusty wanted to know right away what this color meant as we don't find a red very often here. I looked it up for him...this is the site we use.
I love when we find mushrooms just plain makes me happy
Dusty found a turkey feather which we find these quite often they are large and very beautiful.
We spotted a lot of beaver works and deer rubbings.
Several of these we saw looked like faces
more tree growths
Haha what a face again carrying his finds.
I saw these in the old logs I told Dusty next time we would bring some paper and some coloring crayons. We could do leaf rubbings and other nature rubbings.
This one looked like a wind blown tree....of course I saw a painting or a water coloring.
Today I had another appointment with my gastroenterologist today which is over an 90 mile hike for us of course I want to at least go somewhere our money is so tight you can barely buy anything extra...basically if it is not needed you don't buy matter how cute it is or how much want it you just can't buy it....and trust me it can be extremely hard. I mostly only buy used books but I do love browse Barnes and Nobles and dream or make mental notes of books you want and books you need and books that speak to you and why they speak to you and you don't know why. I am always fascinated with local authors and the books they have wrote. I know my next book is going to be If The Creek Don't Rise by Leah Weiss I am almost finished with Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate which has been an absolutely amazing book I have cried, laughed, and just could not hardly put it down. Life doesn't always allow you to continue non stop reading the best books by these authors. I saw several new books today by some authors I had already read their other books.
I also am always reading art books at the same time as novels or educational books such as bee books or farming books.
Right now I am reading an amazing book by Tamara Laporte
She has an absolutely awesome art study called Life Book see her name above for link. I was able to take the classes before in Life Book 2012 but life is so different now but if you could take her classes you will learn so much and be amazed at how talented she is and the artist that also are In the Life Book Year 2018.
Now for the RECIPE


Butternut Squash Dessert


I have to live on a SCD diet so not many things I can eat or that are “easy” at times but I made this butternut squash (which we grow) dessert for myself and it was delicious. I bake the butternut squash at 400 degrees. I slice it in half then scrape the seeds from the squash. My chickens love them so win win. Then I turn the flesh side down on a baking dish and bake it for approximately 1 hour at the 400 degrees. Remember each oven varies. So times and temperatures on each oven are different. When done the center is soft by poking and usually the skin in the butternut squash is starting to brown with splotches. Meanwhile I use a cast iron skillet and brown “toast” the pecans in tad of butter you will see the pecans start to toast they are done then. I also use the same cast iron skillet and wipe out any butter and toast the coconut I used unsweetened coconut flakes. Then once the butternut is ready remove from oven and cut into thirds place in a bowl and add homemade yogurt I had cow milk yogurt this time (it is always thicker but I love my goat milk yogurt the best) then pile on the toasted pecans and the toasted coconut flakes. Now drizzle with honey of course I used our fall honey and it was one with the comb in it but oh my it’s AMAZING. Now you have a healthy dessert. Enjoy 
#recipe #dessert #butternutsquash #squash #cucurbit #yummy 
Oh this makes me really want this right now. It was soooooo yummy.
This is one thing I love about winter is your inside more to be able to blog and cook more recipes. When I make jams and breads or pies for others I don't exactly want to cook a huge fancy meal at night after working hard in the garden or canning etc....not alone write a blog post too....I am just tired but I am so glad I am able to right now it makes me happy to be able to share and inspire others. Remember to be thinking of your word for the New Year.
Happy Wednesday,
Dawn Gallop

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