Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Photos Of the Day Here

Cooper taken today Feb. 01, 2011


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Rescue Hero Boots Dusty wears every chance he gets, when he first got them
he would wear them inside all day long...and even in his pj's

Cooper is always giving me silly smiles if he knows the camera is on him

This is how I spent my afternoon, it warmed up to about 50 something and the sunshine felt awesome!

Boomer enjoyed the outdoors too

The boys go from one bike to another love the color in this one

Dusty loves to swing and when it stops, push momma
push momma! Love it!

I was pushing Coop at the time and Dusty saying push momma!

You can just see the enjoyment Cooper is having

I just loved this one too

This was my favorite picture of the day
his boots are on backwards (he put them on himself)
he is smiling and having a fun time

              Just thought I would show a few pictures I took today. I decided since it was turning off to be a nice cool day I would take the boys outside for a little while, I thought I would read and catch up on my class but I was wrong...lol! I ended up pushing then on the swing and practicing some shots all in manual. We had a blast and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I also had a exciting morning when I found out I won the challenge over at Imaginisce Blog......WOW!! I was so excited to find out!! Thanks again Imaginisce!! You guys ROCK!! Oh yeah I do have this for sale at Etsy http://www.etsy.com/listing/66771694/upcycled-princess-wall-hanging-pink Well better go......have laundry to fold and a few projects to finish up. Hope you have an art filled day!! Cyber Hugs, Dawn Gallop


Jane Wetzel said...

hi Dawn- long time no talk to! :( sorry- life seems to get in the way uh? I am checking my reader before hopping into bed and see these sweet babies and I HAD to get over here and say hello! :) How absolutely adorable they are..and congrats on the "altered tic tac toe board" VERY COOL! Hope u r well- loving your photography- I promised myself I would start a pic a day journal...hmmmm..havent started that yet! Missing my youngest who is in college down there (Charlotte= Bellmont Abbey) near his older brother- gees, why is everyone going to NC or SC to live!?! lol take care- Jane

Sandi Clarkson said...

AW, great pix, Dawn! Congrats on your Imaginisce win! Talk soon!

Brenda said...

awww awesome photos Dawn....lucky you no snow!!!
We are at a level 3 here in Ohio ...joy!!!

Debbie said...

Such sweet pictures of your boys! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

GREAT photos! Just yesterday I took a few with my new camera, we rode our bikes to a park. Must still need to figure out something because some of them still turn out blurry..maybe its my running subjects! LOL!
Anyways, I love to see craft projects but I also just appreciate seeing family photos! Since that's what its all about!

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