Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Mask that almost wasn't A Michael DeMeng Class

Like I had said I have been creating and creating....just not posting. Wanted to share with you all one of my favorite pieces of work. In May I attended Art and Soul and took a Michael DeMeng class. I had purchased one of his books on Well the class list was specific but I had no clue what I was getting into.....all I can say is WOW!!! Well worth every minute. I learned so much and now ASSEMBLAGE is just AMAZING!!!! I had always collected all these found objects my whole life...but now I found a creative outlet to use them. Never realizing all the bottle caps I have saved and listening to hubby I know why....they were meant for the assemblage of my art.
So going back to the day of class I got there and had left my cheapo white Michaels arts and craft mask in the car they had this convention going on and I literally had to park in the boonies. I sat in class with like nothing other than my Tim Holtz finding and some paint and wooden board that was left in VW from another project. They came into the room telling everyone they had to move their car if it was in this far out parking lot.....well you know what that!!!! So I got up walked what seemed forever and trying to find this tiny VW in a field of cars. Finally locating my car the alarm going off>>>>WHY ???? I will never know......IT has a mind of its own!!! So I get my mask and realize my VW is headed back to class with this cheapo mask...thinking I am never going to pull this off......I just didn't come prepared......So walking back down the corridors I stopped into the traveling shop and found a few found objects. Pleasesd with the items I set back to the class and was now prepared to begin. Michael was going over some tools and objects and how to assemble what I was thinking and creating. OK I am ready now so I began putting on some air dry clay (which being A Gare Certified teacher) I was clay experienced, lol!! I was having a blast.....this little mask came together nicely...the students in the class were just amazing!! The creativity that came from the class was just enough to make everything come together beautifully!!! Then around 4pm Michael had what he calls The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Playing the music theme too!! Set the mood and he critiqued everyones mask. Just an amazing day and I was so pleased with mask and the skills I learned. Michael signed both of my books. Just an amazing day!!!!


Chris said...

Seems like you had an amazing day Dawn even if the start was a bit shaky. I think your mask is an incredible piece of art, you're so talented! Hope to see more of this style, I love it. Hugs, Chris :)

Anonymous said...

Top website, I hadn't noticed before during my searches!
Keep up the excellent work!

Sherry -Aunt Elmo- said...

Love your mask! My favorite part is the mouth. Very pleasing to the eye and mind!! Your start to your super day would of totally wrecked it for me. I'm such an anxious person! Great job girlie!!

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