Saturday, January 16, 2010

Valentine Mail Box ~Rusty Pickle~

Good afternoon, I have been cleaning all day with the boys, Colten has been doing the bathrooms, and Cody the kitchen and I have cleaned up the toys with the younger boys, I wanted to stop and get this up on the blog today, do you realize Valentine's Day will be here in less than a month. Get started on those Valentine's if you haven't already. My oldest son will be 23 in a few I have been thinking of his cake and a gift for him. Okay now I feel real old!!! LOL!!! On to the mailbox..... I used one of those adorable little Target mailboxes that only cost a buck....gotta love it!! Rusty Pickle Fair Verona pp, trims, buttons, pink alphas, and cardstock coupons. The rub-on Be Mine is also Rusty Pickle. I used 1/8" double sided tape to glue trims on, which worked perfect!! The flowers are from Prima, a gift in our Rusty Pickle retreat bag. Thanks Prima!!! Easy Peasy!! TFL!! Have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!! :0) Dawn


Kristie said...

Oh Dawn, this is just ADORABLE! I love all your sweet little details, girl where do you find the time?!?!

Brenda said...

Ohhh I am love this!! Love the pp!!
Beautiful job!

Sandy said...

really cute Dawn...send those boys over to my house...I have some cleaning they could help me with...hehehe!

Lynn Biermann said...

Cute cute cute!! this inspires me to start on Valentines Day!! Thanks for sharing! :)

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