Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Amazing Race has began!

Just got home from work and ready to begin the race. The first clue was on the Rusty Pickle Blog and here it is.
Welcome Amazing Racers.
Without further a do here is your first clue :
With a scrapbook page nearly finished, how do I embellish it?
Do I grab some bling maybe a button or two?
But wait a minute this page is on the computer
And the screen is oh so flat
What I would really like to know is
How do you embellish-online?
Happy Racing Ladies!

Don't forget the give-a-ways...go to the Rusty Pickle site now and sign up.

So now I am READY!!! Wish me luck! I couldn't sleep last night, I wo
nder why???? LOL! Now I will be pulling another all nighter....We only have till 12 noon Thursday MST. The first assignment: Use the Gametime Line to create a double two page lo: See sketch
By: Beckie Dreyer


Sandy said...

Best of luck Dawn!

Chris said...

WOW Dawn, just been having a really quick catch up of your blog, it's late but I can't sleep, I have jet lag at the moment :D but I just had to say GOOD LUCK, I'm thrilled you're in the race for the DT, you go girl! All the best and I'll catch up with everything else soon. I'm crossing my fingers and everything else for you, hugs Chris

Tammy said...

Go GIRL!!!!! I'm so excited for you!! Keep us posted and good luck!!! ; )



Claire Phillips said...

Not that you will have time to read this.....but all bones are crossed - I know you have it in you! Love Claire x

scrappinlil said...

Best of luck Dawn...I know you can do it...can't wait to see what you create.

Jane Wetzel said...

This is awesome Dawn! Love this lo and your daughter is so this esp since my dd played basketball in college and she is very short! :) What an amazing job u do on these pages!!!

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