Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Alexis in NC, Potatoes planted and Awards


Dusty went fishing today and of course catch and release 

I love this one ☝️ Dusty enjoyed himself. Let summer begin. 
Dusty and Cooper got awards last night at the awards ceremony 
I was proud of them. Like I always say it takes a village and without the village helping out my kids would have never been able to do all the sports. A true blessing. I am so thankful for all the parents who have helped us out. Thank you 😊 
I took lots of pictures I am so proud of the track and field team they have really accomplished so many important tasks this year. I am no way a sports announcer. Wtg team!!!! 
We did get four rows of 137 feet of potatoes planted all from seed potatoes that were left over from last years harvest. Talk about self sufficient. I was so happy we didn’t have to buy seed potatoes. 
Cooper and Dusty helped. Mostly Cooper as Colby and Dusty went to the Carney Rodeo. 
Alexis is North Carolina dropping Riggs and Ledger with Auntie Tara. Cheerwine and Brunswick stew are in the shopping cart. Have fun guys!!! 

I have been feeling extremely exhausted lately. The fibromyalgia has really started flaring up. Note the inflammation. Tonight I fixed pork chops and cabbage with ramps tonight. Take care my friends. Until next time ❤️

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Garden of 2024 🌿🪴👩🏻‍🌾


Hello sweet friends can you hardly believe it’s another growing season upon us. 2024 has moved into May in the wink of an eye.  With all the days of heavy rains the ground is being prepped and ready. The raised beds are full of nutrients and earthworms just waiting for those gorgeous plants to be inserted into the ground.  How I love this time of year. The smell of the earth and the warmth of the sun just make my heart sing. It is such a blessing to be able to have my Planta Greenhouse. 
I planted the cold frame in February. We did have some really cold nights however the seeds germinated and flourished to sweet delicious lettuce and radishes. The most amazing tasting spinach. When I say cold weather I am talking single digits with snow on the ground. 
The spinach has been so delicious. I am going to turn around and plant more seeds. 

Bruce planted all the onions with a bit on help from me. It’s just too hard for me to get down to plant them with my back. 
I always love to see the first dandelion flower of the year. Makes me so happy it’s a sign that spring is coming. 

If you could see it now in only a few weeks it has gone to growth mode. 

Happy Mother’s Day 

My daughter Alexis sent me this beautiful picture of Donna the twins grandma Amelia’s mom. I just love it. Brooks  is in front. Baker the other ketchup. So precious. I love them so much. 

We had to work for Mother’s Day but I got a lot of gifts and calls. It was a nice day. Makes my heart sing to be loved. 
Sending everyone love and happiness. 
(I had started this post a week ago or more) 

I am trying ❤️

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Day at Cody’s

 Bruce and I have been babysitting on Friday's. We have enjoyed being with our grandsons. Getting to know their personalities and their needs.  Baker Bruce is in the striped pjs and is easy going and can go to sleep on his own.   Brooks in the  sage green pjs wants to be held consistently and goes to sleep in your arms but don’t put him down. Haha I love them so much. 

Bruce is helping Cody with the bathroom upstairs. They got the shower installed and the wall built. It’s looking really good Cody gave me some peonies today from his yard. I grabbed a few cuttings from his lilac tree and his willow tree. I have been enjoying seeing them take root as I have done the plum tree that fell down in the past winter storm. We lost a lot of trees in that storm. 

Today we are at a show in Escanaba Michigan and it has been slow as molasses. Enjoying talking with everyone. I will update again soon. 

Today is Colby’s birthday he is 20 years old today. May the fourth be with you!!! We love you Colby. 

Here is my latest video on YouTube 

See the top 🔝 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Making Pickles Today

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Hello everyone just wanted to make an update we are making pickles and we have 17 double batches happening. Soon they will be ready. Watch the Etsy store. 
We are headed to the UP State Fair next. 

My Week in El Paso

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The morning on the way to the airport the morning of the flight

             Hello and Happy Winter. Can you hardly believe it's been this long?? I can boy has my life changed basically in the wink or an eye.....no not really but it sure has been a long wild ride.....but I can sum it up in a few words. I moved to Michigan, I sold my farm and now I am enjoying the great white north for sure. Everyday even in the bitter cold and when I say bitter cold I mean those negative temperatures. I was used to cold and wet in North Carolina but Oh my cold in Michigan when the wind is blowing and the negative tempatures, It cuts ya just like a knife. BRRRR!! Just thinking of it. The heat is warm so warm I am basically living in tank tops in the house, no joke! Anyway I think I have summed up my life on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Love N IT!! 

           The picture is from the other day when I left for the airport on Friday morning of the 18th of February. I never slept that night. We had to be at the airport no later than 5am well the Suburban wouldn't start that morning it was -6 and the wind was blowing.....so Bruce took the air filter off and jumped the ol" girl he calls her baby and said "You can do it baby" as he shot the ether in the engine she started up. It was now a wee bit after 4 am and I was like Ah? Bruce I need to be there at 5 am and we live 80 miles from Green Bay. So there are quite a few folks on the road at that time due to milkers and farm workers. Needless to say we arrived at 5:20 am I basically ran in and made it for TSA and onto the plane. YES! Now we had to de-ice the plane and that seemed like forever and then a passenger after we are about to taxi unto the runway decided that she needed off the plane. My anxiety was running wild and I completely understood her need (although I have no idea of her need) I just assumed with the wait and the extra time that's what I was going thru. So we taxied back to the gate off she went and then we were off into the air. We arrived in Chicago pretty fast and I got out of the plane and found my gate. It was a really long walk I was getting my steps in for the day for sure. My flight got moved three times in the layover....I was beginning to think El Paso was not happening. I boarded the plane finally and had a nice flight to El Paso....a little turbulence but hey its expected. 

Well it warmed up to 2 degrees.......we never took flight until 6:37 am
Yep that's my computer and the stickers are Mindy Lacefield 

We arrived safely in Chicago and everyone went their separate ways. I was glad to finally sit once I arrived at my gate. The flight was changed three times while I was sitting patiently. I am not a traveler so I basically have no clue as to why.......come to find out they had to get a plane from Madison Wisconsin so it was arriving later than expected. Finally we board the plane it was so much warmer in Chicago so I was getting hot in my clothes.....which btw I froze in my own car as we drove to the Green Bay Wisconsin airport. I was so cold Bruce gave me his coat too. As we all were in line waiting to board the plane.....I was freezing again...haha. 

Wooohooo I was glad to get on the plane headed to El Paso. The flight was good there was a time of turbulence, but expected. I listened to my music with my headphones. I happened to have my headphones only because Cooper had me order them for him and then he said "he made a mistake" so I said I would take them. Worked out well for me....

El Paso welcome to the desert. It took me awhile to get off my back was in a bind and I kinda hung back so I could get off 

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